AMD officially “announced” its price cuts Monday, “twice.”
What appears to have happened is that the first October 24 price change didn’t adjust the prices for the Athlon 64s, and the second one did.
In any event, the official prices on the AMD website now appear to reflect current reality.
In the midst of all this, this website came up with what appears to be AMD’s next price cut.
The key prices to look at are the “Q1’06 Budgetary” Tray and PIB Prices
Intel is supposed to have a price cut in January, so it’s probably safe to say we’ll see this cut at or a couple weeks before Intel’s.
Granted, it’s not much of a price cut. The 4000+ will drop about $40, a couple others will drop $10 or $15, and the rest not at all. Duallies will drop more: the 4800+ will drop $160, the rest look like they’ll drop $40-45.
The 4600+ shows a price increase on the chart, that’s almost certainly a misprint, and the price will probably go to something like $506.
So if $350 was too much for the 3800+, and $330 is still too high, maybe you’ll like $285 in January.
Even when a price cut doesn’t turn out to be much of a price cut, it’s good to know in advance, because it keeps you from waiting months for, well, nothing.
What About the 3000+?
This is where things might get exciting for some.
The AMD “official” pricing drops the 3000+. The price list linked above shows the 2800+ going extinct, but not the 3000+. It shows the 3000+ going from $149 to $111, where it stays into 2006.
Now God only knows AMD is quite capable of changing its mind at the last minute, and maybe the 3000+ is indeed going extinct.
But if you want a cheap Hammer for Christmas, it may well be worth waiting a week or so to see what happens.
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