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TBird Update

I Must Be in the Wrong Place. People Look Too Good Went to a computer show yesterday. A bit different than most, not by what was in it, but rather all around it. This show was held at the Nassau

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Iwill SIDE RAID 100

SUMMARY: With the right drives, Iwill’s SIDE RAID 100 card can make disk-intensive apps fly. Iwill was nice enough to send us a sample of their new SIDE RAID 100 card to try out. This card accommodates ATA100 drives and

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Why Does The A7V Boot So Slowly?

What a PCI IDE or RAID controller essentially does is fool the motherboard into thinking it’s some sort of SCSI device. SCSI devices need some time to look around and figure out what’s attached to it, even if there’s only

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Here comes the blue meanies!

Intel Facts of Life Intel will have a cC0 stepping next month, but it won’t help much. No .13 micron PIIIs until well into 2001. Willamette will be a mass-production non-factor in the year 2000. Maybe they do another stepping,

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TBird Testing

(This is part of some correspondence) After some further testing, I can see why Ed has some suspicions about the A7V. I decided to try some tricks I learnt back in the days of Celery 266’s @ 448 and my