
In all likelihood, you’ve noticed that the world is becoming economically challenged.

The whole world is seeing much higher oil, food and other commodity prices. At the same time, the financial system has suffered quite a few shocks due to a lot of bad loans, leaving it less capable of meeting these challenges.

Right now, though, we’re not so much concerned about thw world as we are how it’s affecting you and your relationship to your computing hobby.

So we have a little questionaire for you:

1) What country do you live in?

2) How badly have you been affected by these economic problems?

a) What problems? I own an oil well!
b) I’m doing better, no problems.
c) Life goes on, not really better, not really worse.
d) I’m hurting a little, but no big deal.
e) I’m hurting more than a little, getting to be a real problem.
f) I’m hurting a lot, this has had a big, bad impact on my life.

3) How badly do you think you may be affected by these economic problems?

a) Not worried at all.
b) It will affect and annoy me a bit, but no more than that.

c) I’m concerned, but I’m not changing my lifestyle because of it.

d) I’m concerned, and I’m starting to cut back on expenses, just to be on the safe side.
e) Concerned? I think fear is a better word.

e) I am definitely afraid, and I have no choice but to cut back on expenses.

f) Fear? Can you spell P-A-N-I-C?

4) Have these economic problems affected the amount of money you’ve spent on computer equipment the past six months?

a) I’m doing great; I’ve been spending more.
b) I’ve spending more, but that’s because I’m afraid I won’t have it later.
c) I’ve spent what I thought I would.

d) Spending less on items, but still buying like I planned.

e) I’ve cutting way down or out, have postponed or cancelled expected purchases.

f) Never planned on spending any real money the last six months anyway.

5) Do you think these economic problems are going to affect the amount of money you spend on computer equipment the next six months?

a) I’m doing great; I expect to spend more.

b) I’ll spend more, but that’s because I’m afraid I won’t have it later.
c) I’m going to spend according to plan.

d) I’ll spend less on items, but I’ll still buy like I planned.

e) I’ll have to cut way down or out.

f) Never planned on spending any real money the next six months anyway.

Some comments on your general situation and anything you’re doing about it would also be helpful to add color to the statistics.

Send your answers to the email address below and we’ll post results and most interesting comments next Tuesday.


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