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DFI NF2 Ultra-AL, not lanparty, good?

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R4z0r4mu5 Pr|m3

Oct 27, 2002
New York
hey, i just ordered the DFI NF2 Ultra-AL board, it's not the lanparty version, only MCP which doesn't include soundstorm, firewire and only one lan, i just wanted to ask if anyone knows if the bios options and quality are the same as the lanparty edition? i know it's northbridge is made with the ultra 400 chip just like the lanparty edition, but does the bios have the same overclocking features like high voltages and do you think the fsb will go as high as the lanparty version which anandtech tested to work stably at 228fsb? thanks

p.s. i know every chip is different and not all chips will reach the same fsb stably, i will be happy with 220, i just want to know if the quality of this non-lanparty board will allow some number like that
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lol, i'd post about my DFI NF2 but it might be construed as biased info =)


PS: you might want the beta performance bios with your XP1700, as there was an issue with this cpu not being able to do anything better than a 9.5x multi with the latest BIOS and a 1700...seems to have corrected with the perf BIOS.
thanks for replying, what i'm really curious about is if it will have the same bios options as the lanparty version, it would be great if someone would let me know, still a few more days till i get the board (tuesday/wednesday) and the suspense is killing me

i trust what you say Travis
I wont have the Ultra-AL board until Monday or later. It seems they sold out before DFI could commission one for me lol.

As soon as I get the board, I will compare it to the LanParty NF2 (my current personal machine) and let you know =)

i have a Q im trying to OC my 1700+ in another mobo and it wont let me reach over a certain multi and i read because its a difference between a 4bit multiplier and an 8 bit (currently i have it at 133*12) im only OCing it for fun cause its just my server but im curious as to why it wont go higher. think if I put it in my lanparty itll go higher?

BTW the DFI rocks heh Im sure the -LA is great too, probably the same thing just without the goodies let us all know about the bios thou, im curious too :D
onx...is that 1700 by chance a Palomino core? If so, its locked, and the motherboard you are using wont unlock it. Tbreds and Bartons allow the motherboard to unlock them. I have a few Paly's and only one is unlocked...the big geeky one with cutting bridges etc (got it at good price on forums).

Trying to put any of these cpu's in my A7V resulted in the same problem...being locked, it couldnt access any of the higher multis that the board could produce =(
umm i just ordered it from newegg like 2 weeks ago so i donno, didnt look much into it, i didnt care much heh and i was under the impressiont that all the newer athlons were unlocked...and i DO have the multi up from stock (thats why it registers as a 1900+ instead of a 1700+ it just that i cant go higher than 12
bump bump bump

well i get the mobo tomorrow, i'll let everyone know how it goes, and i'll have pics sometime this week!!! case windows, cold cathode, and led fan
pretty sweet, haven't tried overclocking yet, but here are the bios options:

FSB 100-300
AGP 50-100
Multiplier 5-22
vCore 1.1-2.0
vAGP 1.5-1.8
vdd(Chipset) 1.6-1.9
vdimm 2.5-2.8

not bad for an $86 motherboard shipped, this seems like it sounds better than my 8rda+ even though that had soundstorm and the DFI doesn't, maybe it's just me tho

hmm got me 300 more 3dmarks too on 3dmark01se with the same settings as the 8rda+...this is at stock
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booyah...well...I gave the gf the Tbred 2100 (a good AXDA2100DUT3C 2100+ 1733MHz 13x 1.60V) for her LanParty KT400A...which means I only have an unlocked Palomino XP2000 for the Ultra-AL...but thats ok. And I dont see mount holes so I will have to grab an SLK "A" to keep the heat down the Paly...Looks like some good BIOS options too =)
here's a pic, haven't overclocked yet but it's running well so far

eh, sorry it's huge

niiiice very nice R4z0r4mu5 Pr|m3

holy crap look at that vidcard, looks like a CPU got jealous of its powa and attacked it :p