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Help with overclocking Phenom II 965 BE

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lets raise the cpu/nb and ht 200 mgz and reprime it.

post the five cpu-z tabs in the screenshot

johan45, these cpu's do take some at 4.0 but he's using more than i use at 4.3.
somthing is making it unstable, so we are walking up the cpu/nb and the ht, then we will walk up the cpu.

we have taken out the ai suite and that is what i suspect was the culprit in this case.
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Its been ages since I had a 965 to play with but isn't 50*C Core temp a bit high for stock?
Now you are confusing me, so you are telling me that 49c while playing is a lot?? I understand that under prime testing temps is not supposed to get pass 55c which is not happened???

I've seen these chips go unstable after 52c. Your on the warm side.... In game Cpu usage has spikes unlike P95 just being a constant calculation and load.

If you looking for a stable NB, lower the Cpu to definite stable clock, perhaps 3.8ghz and try to stay under 50c and not a stitch more. Run the NB up, you can use the bus frequency for fine tuning...... Try and clock the HT at the same speed 2.4/2.4ghz. I always liked mine matching, and usually small 200mhz ocs don't require much voltage if none at all. So 2.2ghz is plenty for daily stable, you only see the difference in benchmarking any ways.
we have done a reset to default, set cpu llc to ultra high, raised the cpu/nb and ht 200 mgz and waiting for p95 results.
Ok ht and cpu nb is set to 2200, prime is running, here is picture.


How long you want me to run test?

I've seen these chips go unstable after 52c. Your on the warm side.... In game Cpu usage has spikes unlike P95 just being a constant calculation and load.

If you looking for a stable NB, lower the Cpu to definite stable clock, perhaps 3.8ghz and try to stay under 50c and not a stitch more. Run the NB up, you can use the bus frequency for fine tuning...... Try and clock the HT at the same speed 2.4/2.4ghz. I always liked mine matching, and usually small 200mhz ocs don't require much voltage if none at all. So 2.2ghz is plenty for daily stable, you only see the difference in benchmarking any ways.

Well as much as I was able to read on the net for this cpu is that it can go up to 4 ghz with no problem and with cpu nb 2400-2600. This computer I mainly use for gaming so basically my goal is to reach 4 ghz with cpu nb freq as much as I can get because thats whats matter for gaming.
yes, it's a little hot, the vcore is high, but we'll get all that in hand guys.

take the cpu/nb up 200 mgz and the ht up 200 mgz, lower the cpu vcore two clicks.
reprime it and post the same screenshot.
yes this is droll but we'll get it up to speed.
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Ok ht and cpu nb is set to 2200, prime is running, here is picture.

How long you want me to run test?

Well as much as I was able to read on the net for this cpu is that it can go up to 4 ghz with no problem and with cpu nb 2400-2600. This computer I mainly use for gaming so basically my goal is to reach 4 ghz with cpu nb freq as much as I can get because thats whats matter for gaming.

Ah BUT, this 2400/2600mhz was done at my house on liquid cooling, often times even passing 3ghz -3.2ghz NB for benchmarking.

I can tell you from your sig, that Hyper 212 has nothing on my water block.

It's just a little warm. that's probably all it is IMO.

Hopefully you have active cooling on the NB before OCing it??? no??? Ahh, maybe that and some VRM cooling might help?

Can never have enough cooling for overclocking my friend. No matter how long you want to test for....
take the cpu/nb up 200 mgz and the ht up 200 mgz, lower the cpu vcore two clicks.
reprime it and post the same screenshot.
yes this is droll but we'll get it up to speed.

Well vcore is set to auto so exactly which value you want me to set? Also again I see that on cpu z ht shows 2000 even if I seted it on 2200???

Ah BUT, this 2400/2600mhz was done at my house on liquid cooling, often times even passing 3ghz -3.2ghz NB for benchmarking.

I can tell you from your sig, that Hyper 212 has nothing on my water block.

It's just a little warm. that's probably all it is IMO.

Hopefully you have active cooling on the NB before OCing it??? no??? Ahh, maybe that and some VRM cooling might help?

Can never have enough cooling for overclocking my friend. No matter how long you want to test for....

You probably right but there is many that succeeded that with ac. All i can do is to try and there is nothing wrong with that isn't it;)
+1 shrimpbrime.
that is why i am having him post the screenie with everything showing, to keep an eye on it all. the vrm shows 47c so that area is fine right now.
Do you want me to set vcore to 1.475 and then go two clicks lower from there?
I think that board defaults to offet mode for the vcore and cpu/nb voltage, you need to change it to manual mode at some point.

and prime it!
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Ok ht and cpu nb set to 2400 and vcore lowered by two clicks. Again cpu z shows ht at 2000 but nb frq is shown correctly at 2400.

I would not be overly concerned with what cpu-z shows for the cpu/nb clock, what matters is the bios setting, mine shows the same as yours.

you wanted 2600 and now it's time, set them up 200 mgz, raise the cpy/nb voltage to 1.3 and prime it.
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Well as much as I was able to read on the net for this cpu is that it can go up to 4 ghz with no problem and with cpu nb 2400-2600. This computer I mainly use for gaming so basically my goal is to reach 4 ghz with cpu nb freq as much as I can get because thats whats matter for gaming.

Nice goal, but it's not a gimme as you think. There are plenty of 965's out there that hit the wall at 3.8
Looking at how yours is progressing, I'm thinking it's one of them.
Nice goal, but it's not a gimme as you think. There are plenty of 965's out there that hit the wall at 3.8
Looking at how yours is progressing, I'm thinking it's one of them.

Thats is what I am thinking also but we will see.;)

Ok, ht and nb set to 2600 mhz, first set of tests passed. Now whats next?

now you save this as a profile in the bios under the tools tab and we start to work on the cpu.

are you now settled that the cpu/nb and ht will run over 2400 without being unstable?