So I've been posting in the CPU section because I thought my CPU might be my problem, but of course, instability can come from lots of places.
I've replaced my 16GBx2 GSkill 3600MHz 16-19-19-39 (Micron chips) with GSkill TridentZ RGB Samsung B-die based 16GBx2 3600MHx 14-15-15-35.
I've run Aida64 with CPU/FPU/cache/mem for >12h, and I've run Aida64 with memory testing only for >12h as well. No problems, apparently.
Yesterday I ran Memtest86 from a bootable flash drive, it did 4 passes, took a little more than 5 hours and returned zero errors.
Would you consider this good enough testing to rule out my memory as a weak point?
Symptoms were immediate shutdown to black screen (requiring power cord pull to reboot) on P95 with any attempted OC (via just multiplier increase in BIOS) and some random reboots at low load, i.e., surfing the web with nothing else running.
Probably will swap my PSU out today and see how that goes, but I can't think of much else to do with memory testing.
I've replaced my 16GBx2 GSkill 3600MHz 16-19-19-39 (Micron chips) with GSkill TridentZ RGB Samsung B-die based 16GBx2 3600MHx 14-15-15-35.
I've run Aida64 with CPU/FPU/cache/mem for >12h, and I've run Aida64 with memory testing only for >12h as well. No problems, apparently.
Yesterday I ran Memtest86 from a bootable flash drive, it did 4 passes, took a little more than 5 hours and returned zero errors.
Would you consider this good enough testing to rule out my memory as a weak point?
Symptoms were immediate shutdown to black screen (requiring power cord pull to reboot) on P95 with any attempted OC (via just multiplier increase in BIOS) and some random reboots at low load, i.e., surfing the web with nothing else running.
Probably will swap my PSU out today and see how that goes, but I can't think of much else to do with memory testing.