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NVIDIA Issues vs AMD Issues

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Yellow roads were taken care of I thought? I haven't had that issue...ever (680 and 690 through several drivers).

I'm having the yellow roads in BF3, so is others with nvidia after the KB2670838 windows update. I'm vary frustrated with nvidia for not fixing the problem with there video cards when they have had plenty of time to fix the problem since the KB2670838 update came out with IE 10 beta a long time ago. AMD does not have a problem with BF3 and the windows update.

Never had any "real" issue with either AMD or nVidia.

Did not have a bunch of cards either:
1 5770, 2 6950/6970, 2 5830, 1 GTX580 and a couple of gForces in the old days (GF2MX, GF3ti, GF 4600ti).

I think both manufacturers make good products and bring regular drivers updates, but that's just me... Not a big gamer either, lol!
I'm having the yellow roads in BF3, so is others with nvidia after the KB2670838 windows update. I'm vary frustrated with nvidia for not fixing the problem with there video cards when they have had plenty of time to fix the problem since the KB2670838 update came out with IE 10 beta a long time ago. AMD does not have a problem with BF3 and the windows update.

yeah... Not an ie user here, but windows is fully updated... And ie is installed. Why wouldn't I be getting this issue? Any thougjts?
Culbrelai has been banned from this thread. Do not respond to his post and do not speak about him, as he is unable to defend himself here.

If you all run across additional threads in which he becomes combative, report his posts.

Thank you for your assistance.
I too have good experience with both NVidia and AMD and have used a number of their cards over the years. I'm thinking that, like any product produced by any company, there is going to be something that slips through the cracks whether it's the finished product, the software (in the case of programmable technology), the instruction manual (wow, is this ever an ongoing battle), or the way the product interfaces with the intended use(r). In a perfect world even water would be clean and we'd never have issues, but let a fish pee in it and Bam!, bad water. :cool:
Thanks Jeremy!

I will go ahead and toss in my 2pence:

I've had a bunch of different graphics cards, switching between AMD(ATI) and nVidia pretty much every other generation, depending on which gives the best bang for the buck. I've had pretty much no problems with either brand, but what minor issues I've had I've seen on both parties.

Examples (of both parties):
  • Random driver crashes (driver stopped responding while in a game for example)
  • Issues getting dual cards to work (both SLI and xFire) - tried with 580s and 7970s, and eventually got them working after about an hour of troubleshooting, driver sweeping, etc.
  • Random pixel flashing or long lines on the screen.
    eg: pBF9SZX.jpg but not quite that bad.
  • Both driver applications (CCC and Control Panel) are decent, I don't have any major issues with either as I can navigate both with no issues.

I will agree with bobnova in that there is a difference between propping up a product that you own and also downplaying all products of another company without factual numbers to back up the statements. I think that having a single sample piece of a product (any product) is hardly a true sample size of knowing what makes a better quality product than anyone else. If anyone has read through bobnova's power supply reviews, even the best products have occasional QC flaws.
Heh, defending a point when the person that should be seeing it cant, funneh. Oh well, at least its helpful for those that may have this question. :)
Issues with cards:


- recently whenever I remote log into my home desktop and use it, it seems to cause CCC to crash. When I get home, I have a little box up in the corner stating something has gone wrong.

- micro stuttering in some games. I had this happen with my last install. I went ahead and wiped out my install though, and now I do not have any stuttering in the games that experienced it. I *think* though it was because I had my cards OC'd in crossfire and something just didn't like that.

- poor crossfire support in some games. Black Ops was a nightmare for me when I had my dual 5870s.


- I had a 285gtx at one point and it seemed to make a lot of fan noise, create a lot of heat and the performance wasn't really what I thought it would be. perhaps the card was faulty somehow.

- I have a 420(?) htpc card in a pc and its fan stopped working..

I have experienced driver issues with both camps at one point or another.
I have and stil do own both cards. I specifically have the Nvidia for the CUDA acceleration in other software.
They both have issues cause drivers and games don't always play nice and both companies typically do what they can to remedy the situation.

@ Janus67
I have another 580 coming soon. What issues did you have with the SLI.
I have had generally good experiences with both brands over the years. I even have a have a 8800 GTS 512 that still runs fine. I had driver issues with a Powercolor HD4890 that caused me to switch to a GTX 285 but I am happy with with my current 7950. I do notice an occasisional small color artifact on one map in Black Ops 2 but otherwise no issues.
@ Johan,

The issue I had may have been related to having two separate models that had different BIOSes, I eventually got it working though.
Uuhh shame im too late, and have to keep my mouth shut :(


AMD vs. Nvidia issues.

I use to be nvidia fan when i was 15. All my cards were nvidi, and i had 2 rigs.

Then i got older, and had to pay for stuff my self. Now i buy AMD.

Issues, well, i've had my battles with the AMD cards. Most the time its been human error, have yet to RMA a card.

I took a recent swing at a GTX590, it was a swing and a mis. nvidia didnt like my way of having my 3 screens setup.

I find CC easy to use, not that i even use it that much. I do not like the nvidia control panel.

I own 3 fairly highend AMD cards right now, and wouldnt swap em for an nvidia.

With that said, many people get away with less issues, some have more, its down to how you have your pc, and what things you do to it.

Any card can break and have issues. Soon as you enter the world of non ref cards, you'll find most manufacturers make both amd and nvidia cards, both can break in the same way.
The last NVIDIA card I had was an AGP 7800GS. That thing had a ton of driver issues, but from I remember, it was mostly due to the 7800 cards originally being PCI-express cards, and the magic they pulled to make them AGP caused a lot of issues. They hammered them out eventually.

The last three cards I've had have been an HD 3850 (AGP), 6850, and now my 7850. The only issue I've had since going with ATI is a few drivers ago, battlefield 3 had some weird issue where everything looked so foggy that it became unplayable. Something to do with AA and dynamic lighting conflicts. But that was fixed pretty quickly.
Of the 5 generation of ati cards I've had: 2 were unstable no matter what configuration ,x550 and 2600xt, both taken back for a refund. 1 is semi dead and only works in some mbs ,hd5830 paperweight usually , and the last 2 worked great with the proper drivers, 9800 pro 8500le. I have to admit I have never had any issues like that with my nvidia cards that I didnt cause myself by corrupting drivers trying find Max Oc etc.. I have either been very lucky with my nvidia products or very unlucky with at I/amd or both :shrug:
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I was going to go off on a short list, but have decided Im only going to bring up a single issue.

nVidia 291 drivers RUINED windows installations beyond repair, and disabled thousands of SLI users ability to enable said function.

That is just down right UNACCEPTABLE level of error. The SLI thing is a meh point as the next driver fixed that problem. The killed installations of windows is not a minor problem though. Whats worse is that they knew about it in advance, but instead of pulling it or calling it a beta they pushed it out with intent to fix the issues in the next driver. Myself and 4 other people I know locally were effected by that issue.

My AMD dual graphics setup has worked just wonderfully the entire time Ive owned it, except for one bad driver that caused a single game to crash alot. That was patched up in about a week though.

I dont feel like either company is better than the other TBH. Right now I also have a 670 and a 580 in operation, and I think that they are great. however, I would swap my 580 for a 7950 in a heartbeat if I had the chance.
Thanks Janus. I'm getting another ASUS DCU II card i purchased from Sobe here in the classifieds. So should have the same BIOS. I think my only issue will be heat but working on that as I type.
Yeah you should be just fine with that. The two cards (for nVidia) in question were a Zotac 580 reference and a Asus 580 Matrix with both having different stock speeds, voltages, and unlocked voltages I think it just monkeyed-up the driver and got it confused.
My history so far...
First real 3d card I got was Geforce 4 TI4200. It wouldn't overclock worth snot but otherwise ran great. Ran a 9800pro from the day it came out so I could play Doom3. Worked well, ended up breaking the card with some water cooling shenanigans, not the card's fault.

Since then I have tried to use ATI many times personally and professionally and been disappointed in some way each time. I have had issues with adobe acrobat and ATI drivers several times. Issues like not rendering documents correctly, crashing catalyst control center, 2nd monitor going bonkers. Issues with Wordperfect suite not rendering correctly (I know not a lot of people use it but I have run into it several times in my professional career.) Crashing and instability in games at launch. Yes, I know they aren't always the cards/drivers fault but when the Nvidia product works out of the box more often than not it's hard to argue that point. Against my better judgement I picked up an AMD/ATI micro-atx system for media center. The thing refused to correctly detect the right resolution of the TV and manually setting it caused immediate crashing or reboots. I RMAed it and the replacement did the same thing so I doubt it was something with just that board. I also work with Linux a lot and my experience there has been less than stellar. Also a pet peeve; Why does the catalyst control center require .net and try to install a demo game? this seems like ridiculous bloat.

Note that I don't blame the hardware for this, the hardware seems solid enough. It all just seems like shoddy programming/drivers/testing to me. IF they cleaned up their software I would give them another try, maybe. If it works for you though you can certainly save some bucks! :)
yeah... Not an ie user here, but windows is fully updated... And ie is installed. Why wouldn't I be getting this issue? Any thougjts?
Windows update KB2670838 is a optional update now do you have it in the optional updates? Have you played caspian border I see the yellow roads there and other maps, not all maps are effected?

If you don't see the yellow roads must be the 6xx series is unaffected my guess.

Searching the forms I think there will be a driver update fix soon, I hope

QUOTE: We have a fix for this issue in place, and should be released with the next driver package.

For now I have uninstalled the KB2670838 update.
I don't think I've had a single issue with any of my cards, both Nvidia and ATI/AMD.

Here they are:
GT520; runs like a dream, best card I've purchased as of yet.
8800GT; 1Gb is a great overclocker (with a direct fan on the heatsink, that is..)
7100GS; from my first custom-built computer.
2 6600GS's that run amazing.
AMD All-In-Wonder x800 XT and XL, still running like champs!
And my trusty old Rage 128 Pro, what a beaut.

Other than bad driver updates and the occasional failed overclock, they all run great!

[EDIT] Now that I look at it, my cards aren't the must up-to-date...

[EDIT 2] I think I have an old 5450 that runs on a PCIe 1x slot... I'll have to find it to make sure, however.