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Quake 4: Comments

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ALL HAIL RA4! :drool:

Really wish they would have done DM different.......More like RA would have been a dream. :cry:
JennyB said:
Superb game!!! 10/10

I was in two minds whether to buy this game, but the storeman highly recommended it. and thank god he did, this knocks socks off even my favourite games, which was Half life 2 and Counterstrike.

Graphics: 9/10
I don't think anyone can disagree here, though they're not "real-life" realistic, the graphics are awesome and must be "best" graphics around.

Sound: 9/10
Again, I can't think of any game where the sound is better. They have obviously employed hollywood actors which really helps in game emersion. Effects are all there and fit the atmosphere perfect, music aint bad neither.

Gameplay: 10/10
This game is really great value for money, two games for the price of one. Singleplayer is great, nice to have an arcade style game at last. Unlike HL2 there's no slowing down to figure out puzzles or how to travel from A-B, etc, instead its rather edge of the seat stuff, you have alot of fun!!! :) Though I've only played a few games of multiplayer quake4, I can tell you now that its a revolution waiting to happen!. The game me a big adrenaline rush and is like a drug since now I've stopped playing single player even though I don't really want to :p

Runs on very high quality smoothly.
I would agree with your statement of the Q4 multiplayer... if it was original. I take it that you never played Q3A, since it is the exact same thing with different graphics.
Janus67 said:
I take it that you never played Q3A, since it is the exact same thing with different graphics.

I don't see what's so wrong with this. I played Q3 more than any other Quake game(Q2 comes in at a close 2nd) and I LOVE the fact that I can play on the Q3 maps. I'm tired of all this "NEW" crap.
It's not revolutionary, it's not flashy, it's just plain fun. And that's all I ask for.
The only thing i wish they would have done, was keep some of the old sound effects. That was one of my favorite things about q2 and q3, was the familier sound effects. Other than that, BAAAAADAAAAAAASS.

I give the game 9/10.
I'm with phatty2x4, I was hoping it'd be this fun as it is! I'm finding it harder and harder to find enjoyable games now a days. I seem to get bored of them easilly. I haven't felt like I wanted to play a game for 8 hours straight, like I did Quake 4, in a long long time.
Well the last game that had me sitting for more than 5 hours straight when I first installed it was HL2. Q4 did that to me too. Overall I really like the SP champain, but haven't tried multiplayer yet. While I wouldn't say its better than HL2, the amount of action in SP is enough to keep you interested.
phatty2x4 said:
I don't see what's so wrong with this. I played Q3 more than any other Quake game(Q2 comes in at a close 2nd) and I LOVE the fact that I can play on the Q3 maps. I'm tired of all this "NEW" crap.
It's not revolutionary, it's not flashy, it's just plain fun. And that's all I ask for.
The only thing i wish they would have done, was keep some of the old sound effects. That was one of my favorite things about q2 and q3, was the familier sound effects. Other than that, BAAAAADAAAAAAASS.

I give the game 9/10.
im just saying that I wish they would have at least added a different game mode or changed something past Q3A.
im towards the end of the game and i have to say that the graphics are great, but not much better than doom 3. the outdoor scenes definitely look unpolished though. as for the gameplay of the singleplayer itself, im getting kind of sick of it, although i did enjoy it for the first half of the game
hehe i just past the Towers Boss, the huge *** flying dude, talk about letting it all go.. took 300 rounds of the nail gun to finish him off... right now im about to hit the bottom of the nexus... all i got to say is the graphics are awesome and so is gameplay coming out of the halfway done mark.

SPOILER* i suggest saving all 25 rounds of your purple thingy.. for the life of me i cant remember the name of the last gun
Ok just got the game played it for 6 hours, when i first tryed the game it would run in the highest settings it will only run in high which i dont get at all, it just quits to desktop when i try loadin a game and annoyed me i cant even get suround sound on, it says cuz my scard dont support opengl but i should still get it, its a 7.1 sound card in the motherborad. the graphics are the same as doom3 but the faces are a lil better was hoping it would look a lot better, but 4 hours play shows i still think its good. im on the mech mission and then the game jsut cut out again :( so im loadin fear to see what thats like.
From what I have seen, single player only so far (our new router hasn't arrived yet) the game blows. Gameplay is a mix of Quake 2 and Doom 3, I liked Quake 2 but that was 6 odd years ago, and the worst thing about Doom 3 was the gameplay. The story quality is like that of erm... an action movie starring 'The Rock'. Basically, I'm very dissapointed, it's the same kind of feeling that I got when watching Terminator 3 or any of the Matrix sequels. Also the graphics engine seem very badly optimised, the outdoor scenes look no better than those in SOF2 or Call of Duty (which were based on much older ID engine technology). The indoor scenes look no better than Doom 3, but while Doom 3 ran at 'high' 1024x768 4x AA on my system this only manages 'medium' 1024x768 2x AA. Basically this is a huge dissapointment, and suggests that ID (I know Raven developed it, but this is ID's vision, and Raven seem to have been following a strict design brief) have lost the plot, maybe they didn't learn from Halflife and Thief 2 like everybody else did.
I got it and started on friday and finished yesterday, sunday. It was awesome but now i must get FEAR before i replay it again on a harder setting. It is worth getting for sure! 10/10
Graphics: 9/10 Visually impressive D3 engine, although lacking outdoors.
Gameplay SP: 4.5/10 - Same old, same old. Single player gameplay is repetitive, the plot is unimpressive, the AI is unimpressive at best, and a lack of skirmish bots will discourage new players.
Gameplay MP: 9/10 - Same fun multiplayer, which is pretty tough to screw up. We need maps :cool:
Sounds: 9/10 - Freaky. :)

Overall (not an average, just general impressions): 6/10. Not innovative. In my opinion, Quake 4 fails to be the innovative title that Q3A was. Raven didn't add anything to the game.
It's very much a sequel; it seems like they remade many of the Quake and Doom 3 goodies, in some sort of Quake 2 based formula.

After playing FEAR, it's clear how much further they could have taken the Quake series. Even multiplayer seems like a remake, instead of adding game styles onto the Quake 3 flavor, they leave it up to the modding community. This is all well and good, because Quakers are used to having to wait awhile for the core gameplay to be heavily improved upon. Orange Smoothie and Rocket Arena took a few months to come out after Quake 3 was released...but I want them now!! IMO multiplayer feels a bit chunky, and the weapons still need adjusting.