I tried 82 different cooling setups on my ASUS V6800 DDR pure (including a 50w peltier ) before I found the “Golden Orb” – this thing was made for GeForce owners!!
The base is about 1/4″ in diameter larger than the slug of the GPU so it clears real well. With a short piece of 3/16″ square tubing and 4 zip ties, you can use the stock mounting spring in the stock holes with NO mods!! And because the ties go between the fins, it’s REAL secure plus the spring means no loose zip ties down the road.
I ran the fan power leads to a HD connector so as not to overload the fan header, but the tach wire still works. It runs at 105F/GPU with a room temp of 82F; that’s the best I’ve seen without active cooling on the forums.
The whole-9 cost me less than 20 bucks and it only got me for 1 PCI slot because my AMR was convieniently placed between the AGP and PCI1 slots. We cut 5/8″ off the top of one for a friends K7v and it still kept it down to 108F/GPU at 83F room temp.
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