Not a TBredB

Some people who are buying the 1800+ TBred from Newegg and others think they’re getting a TBredB.

Please note that neither Newegg nor anyone else so far is claiming that they are TBredBs.

The reason why they think that is that the code on the chip says something like “AIUGA0242” and that seems consistent with a TBredB rather than TBredA code.

No, these are TBredAs, for the following reasons.

1) The voltage code on the chip indicates it’s a TBredA. As we described some time back, one way to
tell TBredAs and Bs apart is by the voltage code.

The first line of code on these chips have this code: AXDA1800DLT3C. The “L” in the code stands for 1.5V default voltage. No TBredB has a default voltage of 1.5V; the lowest default voltage is 1.6V. An 1800+ TBredB would have a code of AXDA1800DUT3C.

2) The stepping code is not consistent with TBredB codes. The reason is subtle, though. All TBredA stepping codes end in the letter “A.” All TBredB stepping codes end in the letter “B.”

Yes, there is a TBredB with a stepping code of AIUGB. The “B” is what counts here, not the “AIUG” part. Yes, AMD is overlapping codes, which makes it harder to identify an “A” from a “B.” Such is life.

Finally, saving the best for last.

3) The CPUID for these chips indicates that it is a TBredA. See this forum thread. The originator of the thread, Emericana, has one of these AIUGA chips, as you’ll see in the first post.

Later in the thread, he posts a WCPUID screenshot, which indicates a CPUID of 680.

TBredAs have a CPUID of 680. TBredBs have a CPUID of 681. This is a TBredA.

Why Should I Care?

A typical TBredB should do about 300MHz more than a TBred A, or about 2.3GHz vs. 2GHz with high-end air. That’s the difference.


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