OCR for Road Warriors – Free!

FreeOCR.net is a compact OCR program that works at the right price – Free!

If you have Microsoft Office, you may have already installed an OCR program under the Tools tab. For those who do not have Office or are looking for an alternative, I came across FreeOCR.net; after using it for a variety of OCR tasks, I have been very pleasantly surprised how well this compact utility (5MB download) fills the bill. In addition, there are language packs available for Portuguese (Brazilian), Fraktur (Old German), Dutch, Spanish, German, Italian, Vietnamese, French and English.

FreeOCR.net is a Windows only program which works with scanned images, tiffs, Adobe PDF, most image types and fax documents, giving users a wide range of capabilities. One way to import documents for OCR is to use a digital camera, so that if you’re on the road and need to scan material for word processing, you can use your camera to capture documents – pretty neat!

Using FreeOCR.net is falling off a log easy – I had to use images from the on-line Help facility because I could not capture images from the desktop for whatever reason (I tried other screen capture programs to no avail).

The opening screen lays out the options very well:



On the left side are the Image Buttons:

With the Selection tool you can crop the image to only the text you’re interested in – you also need this if you’re working with columns. You can also work on the image to enhance it if needed, using options on the top menu.

The Text Buttons are self-explanatory:


Note that Exporting to Word is built in – you can export the image to any word processing program, however. To remove formatting, select Remove Line Breaks so that you can format the exported text as you wish.

As a test, I photographed a page from an Italian book (after downloading supplementary languages) with a Canon SD700 – no flash, just natural light:



I then imported the image into FreeOCR.net, using the Crop tool to select the text on the right side – I did not enhance the image in any way. I then hit the OCR Button and after about 20 seconds, the OCR’s text appears in the text pane.

This is the output which I imported into Word:

un rammendo? (Indicando il punto sdrucito) Qua, sotto il col-

letto. Vediamo come rammenda Costanza. E pure ai gomiti.

Sarebbe un peccato buttarla via.

COSTANZA (prende la camicia dalle mani di Roberto e osservan-

dola) Ma certo, ci penso io.

ROBERTO E stiratela pure, vi dispiace?


ROBERTO (sorridendo furbo) Quante cose dovrà fare Costan-

zuccia, quando saremo sposati! Non avrà mai tempo. La ca-

meriera, come vi dissi, ci sarà, ma la dovrete sorvegliare voi.

Senza contare che certe determinate cose le dovrete fare ma-

terialmente voi. Per esempio, sono stato un appassionato

compratore di scarpe. Ne posseggo più di trentacinque paia

di tutte le forme. A parte il fatto che oggi trentacinque paia

di scarpe rappresentano un capitale, ma le posso mai affida-

re ad una persona estranea? A chella che lle mporta?’ O ci

mette il lucido cattivo, o dice che le ha ingrassare e non è ve-

ro… che succede? Che un bel giorno, Roberto Perretti tro-

va ’e scarpe schiattate!” Ci sta attenta. Non che le debba pu-

lire tutti i giorni, ma un paio di volte al mese le spolvera, le

lucida, le sistema con quella manutenzione che le fa durare

cento anni.

COSTANZA (ingoiando la pillola, paziente) Certo.

ROBERTO So che cucinate benissimo e questo è un grande van-

taggio. Poi tengo nu difetto?. È meglio parlare chiaro. La sera

vado a letto presto. ‘E nnove stongo clint’ ‘o lietto”. Però, sic-

come da accordi già presi, dormiremo in due camere separate,

io vado a letto e voi per qualche altra mezz’ora dovrete stare

sveglia nell’altra camera. Insomma, mi piace di sentire in casa,

quando mi sto appapagnandoi il movimento di una persona



I found a couple of errors and also noted that the footnote numbers appeared as quotation marks, not bad overall. Considering that you can use a digital camera to input text, FreeOCR.net is compact, quick, easy to use, versatile addition to your utilities folder.

About Joe Citarella 242 Articles
Joe Citarella was one of the founders of Overclockers.com in 1998. He contributed as a site administrator and writer for over 10 years before retiring. Joe played an integral part in building and sustaining the Overclockers.com community.

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