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Ti200: An Underclocked Card?

If you look at the benchmarks for the Ti200, they trail the “old” GF3 card. You have two potential reasons for that: The core speed is lower (175MHz vs. 200MHz). The memory speed is lower (400MHz vs. 460MHz). Why did

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Football FAQs for Non-Americans

Q. Why do Americans find the SuperBowl so important? We needed a new national holiday. We’re a nation of mutts. We have no deep rooted cultural or ethnic affinities like most other nations. We have to make up other things

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Easy Heatsink Mods To Drop CPU Temps

The following reader Tips can get your AMD (or any CPU) substantially cooler with very little effort and expense; remember that adding a silver or copper base necessitates adjustment to the heatsink clip: Article from Chron USA: I’ve seen this

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STEP Enhanced PIII 500

It Appears Step Thermodynamics has gone out of business! This review was done in 1999. Things seem to have changed since then!   On this review I’m going to do something a little different. I’m combining a Vendor Review and