PC Add-A-Fan Model 120

An erector set for case modders – Joe

SUMMARY: An erector set for case modders.


The good guys at PC Add-A-Fan were nice enough to send a sample of this versatile product to try out. The ancient ones among us remember the Erector Set, a toy which consisted of numerous metal parts to build just about anything you could imagine. The Add-A-Fan parts list is quite an assortment:


Pic courtesy of Add-A Fan

Included with these parts is a Manual which shows how these parts go together. Below is the complete package:


There are enough nuts and bolts to cover different mounting schemes:


The brackets that come with the set are the core of this system:


Also included are two fan shrouds which can be used to direct fan airflow:


Unless you’re screwdriver challenged, basically it’s up to you to figure out what you want to do and use the parts needed – a quick example:


There are parts to isolate the fan from the brackets to reduce noise:


Typical installations show the Add-A-Fan’s versatility:


Pic courtesy of Add-A Fan


Pic courtesy of Add-A Fan


With an MSRP of $18.95, Add-A-Fan is a very handy collection of assorted parts enough for 1-3 cases, depending upon how many fans are added to each case. No doubt you can buy some of these parts individually, but Add-A-Fan pulls together what you need in a handy package.

Thanks again to PC Add-A-Fan for sending this our way.

Email Joe

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Avatar of bLack0ut


1,045 messages 0 likes

Wow, this is like a clean version of the coat hanger system I use in my cases lol. I wonder how sturdy this is; the picture with the orange fan looks kinda unstable IMO.

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Avatar of EmAn


2,512 messages 5 likes

Wow... I was wondering when something like this would have come to pass... Now its here!

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1,353 messages 0 likes

oh, come on.

whats the next front page article?
"service sends professional to hold your hand while you overclock?"

how can an overclocker NOT find a way to mount a fan?

ive used hot glue, epoxy, zipties, bailing wire, cardboard and even duct tape.

i think joe missed the mark here, he overestimated the ailienware jockeys in this crowd.

i dont like the idea that we are too good to bend our own coathangers. for 20 bucks.

shoot! paper mache is light and strong and everyone learned that in kindergarten.
...and newspaper costs 50 cents!

at least its not conductive if it breaks loose.

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Avatar of WarriorII

Moderator #666

8,257 messages 0 likes

LOL... :D

Joe had WAY too much fun with this one!! :p


Cool product, at least it's all packaged up for ya.

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