How to RMA an Intel CPU

How do you RMA an Intel CPU if you need to, what do you need and where do you go?

I was always under the impression that one has to have the retail box, CPU and HSF to RMA a processor.  I would like to share with the members here the process and what you need. I successfully RMA’d a defective C2D E8600 recently.

Eligibility to RMA CPU

Retail box – 3 years from date of sale

OEM – 1 year from date of sale

Conditions : CPU must have no physical damage, also it is up to Intel to still void the RMA if they find that the CPU was damaged by the user.

What do I need?

CPU – make sure you write down exactly what is inscribed on the CPU IHS, all the numbers. You would also need the two lines of digits printed on the black PCB on the middle lower end of the CPU (see below).

Required information
Required information

CPU heatsink and fan (HSF) – sometimes they will ask you the numbers printed on the HSF, sometimes not.


Who do I contact?

Use this link to the Intel warranty page, then click the Live Chat Support image (pictured below) as that is the most effective way and gets your RMA in less than 20 minutes.

Intel Live Chat Support
Intel Live Chat Support

You will need to provide your shipping address, e-mail, telephone number etc for them to log and process the RMA. Once approved they will e-mail the RMA number and instructions to complete the RMA.

The process is quite simple. You ship the defective unit (CPU and HSF) to Intel. Once they receive and inspect it, they will ship you the replacement. It takes about 10 business days to get your CPU back from the date you ship the defective one.


If you are RMA’ing the CPU in the US and have bought it elsewhere say in Asia or Europe they will ask a nominal fee to process (was around $20 recently).

NOTE – We do not promote or condone RMA’ing of processors if you have intentionally damaged the CPU or you want to RMA the CPU to get a “better” CPU, this process is only to be used for defective CPU’s


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Avatar of EarthDog

Gulper Nozzle Co-Owner

77,855 messages 4,546 likes

Awesome little write up! I was wondering how this was done! :thup:

So no recceipt or anything is needed? All I need is the box and date of sale?

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Avatar of I.M.O.G.

Glorious Leader

25,037 messages 5 likes

Ya, I had imagined the process was more painful. Sounds pretty straightforward.

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Avatar of MattNo5ss

5up3r m0d3r4t0r

8,808 messages 0 likes

I'll probably RMA my i5 680 soon b/c the IGP doesn't work. I already had the sticky bookmarked :)

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Avatar of Bobnova

Senior Member

20,964 messages 1 likes

It's really easy, I did my last one through the chat support, so far so good!
They wanted the cpu, heatsink, and box back from me. What all they want seems to vary widely.

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Avatar of MattNo5ss

5up3r m0d3r4t0r

8,808 messages 0 likes

Well, I hope they don't want the box. I have the chip and 3 or 4 LGA1156 heatsinks (I'm not sure which came with the 680). In the sticky, he states multiple times that a box is not needed :shrug:

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937 messages 0 likes

the article mentioned if you are in the US and have a cpu brought in Europe a processing fee is required, how does it work if its the other way around? my cpu was originally brought in USA and I am in the UK

*touch wood* my cpu is functioning correctly right now, but just would like to know just encase

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Avatar of I.M.O.G.

Glorious Leader

25,037 messages 5 likes

I would expect the situation is the same - a nominal processing fee. Likely there to cover international shipment costs, which would be roughly equivalent going one way or the other across the pond.

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937 messages 0 likes

I would expect the situation is the same - a nominal processing fee. Likely there to cover international shipment costs, which would be roughly equivalent going one way or the other across the pond.

would make sense, hopefully I will never need to find out. This week I have had to arrange RMA for 2 laptops (one mine, one my sisters) identical laptops, different problems

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Avatar of Brolloks

Benching Senior on Siesta, Premium Member #8

7,523 messages 7 likes

Awesome little write up! I was wondering how this was done! :thup:

So no recceipt or anything is needed? All I need is the box and date of sale?

Read it again silly man...NO BOX AND RECIEPT, JUST CPU AND HSF !!!:p

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Avatar of MattNo5ss

5up3r m0d3r4t0r

8,808 messages 0 likes

The warranty is 3 years from date of sale for retail, so how do they know when you bought it without a receipt and if the CPU is still under warranty?

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