This Inquirer article says that new nVidia cards retailing for $199 will be SLI-capable.
(In English, that means you could hook up two video cards and make them act as one.)
We have a few questions for you.
(For this poll, if you’d be willing to spend more for two higher-end cards, just answer “a” for questions 1 and 2)
1) Assume the following: Assume that buying two SLI-capable video cards will cost you $375 and an SLI-capable mobo will cost you $25 more than one that isn’t. Assume that SLI performance is 70% better than that of a single SLI card, and 10% better than that of a single $375 video card.
What do you do?
a) I buy it.
b) I buy one SLI-capable card and figure I’ll get the second card and/or the mobo the mobo later on.
c) I wouldn’t be interested.
2) Assume the following: Assume that buying two SLI-capable video cards will cost you $275 and an SLI-capable mobo will cost you $25 more than one that isn’t. Assume that SLI performance is 70% better than that of a single SLI card, and 10% better than that of a single $275 video card, but 10% worse than a $375 card.
What do you do?
a) I buy it.
b) I buy one SLI-capable card and figure I’ll get the second card and/or the mobo the mobo later on when I need it/it’s cheaper.
c) I wouldn’t be interested.
3) If you answered “I wouldn’t be interested” to both questions one and two, is price the main reason why you’re not?
a) Yes
b) No
Please send your responses to the email address linked below. Thank you for your responses!
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