How To – Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Server Install

Preparing to Install

System Requirements:

Distribution Type:RAMHard Drive Space Required
Ubuntu 10.04LTS ServerMinimum of 128 megabytesBase system:500 megabytesAll tasks included:1 gigabyte

These are just a baseline for a bare-bone Ubuntu server configuration. If you are running a very light server then you may not need to meet these requirements. However, if you plan on running a pretty intense server configuration you may want to consider looking into running a much more powerful system.

Installing using a CD

1. Before we begin the installation process you need to get the latest version of Ubuntu Server located here. This will download an ISO (disc image). Burn this ISO onto a CD before you continue…

2.Next boot from the CD-ROM. If you need to enable the CD-ROM as your primary boot device in the BIOS then do so.

3.Select your Language and at the next prompt select the option “Install”

4.  Next you will be asked for your keyboard layout. Either select “yes” for the automated keyboard detection; or select “no” to manually set your keyboard layout.

5. Configure the network. This will be the name of your computer on your local network. Enter anything that describes your server. Here I used the name “web-server”.

6. After configuring the network you will be asked your time zone. If you are connected to an internet connection the installer will automatically detect your time zone; if not, manually select your time zone by selecting “no”.

7. Next you will be prompted with the Partition Manager. To keep things simple here just select “Guided – Use entire disk”. If you want more info on advanced installs you can find more info here.

8. Now select the hard drive you want the partitioner to install the base system onto.

9. Write the changes to the disk.

10. Next you will setup the user with “root” access & this users password. This user will become the admin of the server. Note: You cannot use the username Admin; however Administrator would be a good choice if you are going down that road.

11. When the users and passwords is finished you will be asked to encrypt your home directory. You don’t have to encrypt your home directory; however if anyone ever gets a hold of your computer he could access everything on the machine. I would recommend encrypting your home directory!

12. Now it is time to actually start installing the services. But first, select your preferred settings for updating your server. If you plan on manually updating the machine periodically then select “No automatic updates”. If you would like the server to automatically obtain the security updates then select “Install security updates Automatically”. You can also “Manage system with Landscape” if you have paid for that service.

13. Now select the packages you want to install. At first I would install “OpenSSH Server” this way you can manage your server from a different computer using SSH. To find more info on the packages look no further than here.

14. Finish the install by removing the CD-ROM from the drive. Then Click Finish on the prompted screen.

15. Login to your server with the username you set and password. Update the server with this command. “sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade” this will prompt you for your password.

Congratulations you have just setup a Ubuntu Server! Now you can start configuring it to your liking and making the server really shine. I hope this guide helped! If you need more help you can use the Ubuntu Server Guide located here or just reply in the comments section below – our forum members in the Alternative OS section are very knowledgeable!


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382 messages 0 likes

Oo, shiny.

That's an excellent guide for someone doing a first time install; I know it addresses a lot of concerns I had back then.

Ocforums++ :P

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545 messages 0 likes

"404 — File not found." on all empty images within the article.

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Glorious Leader

25,037 messages 4 likes

Coldnut linked the images to his personal website which is no longer online apparently. That violates our image standards for articles, a standard we have in place to avoid this exact problem. Looks like this one slipped through the cracks.

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