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Take it for what it’s worth, but I put out a few inquiries to reliable sources as to why we haven’t been seeing high speed TBredBs. What I’m hearing is that AMD at least has had (if not continuing to

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Tomorrow’s Biggest Story

. . . won’t have anything to do with hardware, but rather with what you can do with it. Tomorrow, that collection of nine old people called the Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments (that means lawyers try

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Dawn of the DVD (Recorder)

This article says the Grinch is going to steal Christmas. It says that flat-out for Europe, and they’ve revised worldwide PC figures to show that they will essentially flat-line in 2002. Who’s the Grinch? According to IDC, “home users .

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Things To Look For

Someone pointed this out to me: With this review we are introducing a new addition to our individual motherboard reviews here on AnandTech – Manufacturer Tech Support & RMA. These sections will talk about a motherboard manufacturer’s Technical Support and