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The Prescott 2.4A . . . .

XBit Labs reports that Intel is releasing a 2.4GHz Prescott and that it is already showing up in Asia. This is a chip that runs at a 133MHz bus, and has no hyperthreading. It’s meant for cheaper PIV platforms, and

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XBox 2: Some New Details . . . .

XBit Labs reports that Microsoft has released its software development kit for the XBox 2 console. Basically, it’s a dual-processor Apple G5 with Radeon Pro 9800 graphics, and an Windows OS. I’d like to ask you all a simple question:

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The Athlon XP-M . . . .

People are overclocking the XP Mobile 2500+ chip from AMD. Why? 1) It allows for greater manipulation of the multiplier on the chip than current multiplier-locked Bartons (just how much depends on the mobo you have) and 2) Since it

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Let Them Eat Cake

The Inquirer reports that when AMD introduces the FX-53, it will stop making the FX-51. If this is true, what that would look to mean is that if you want an FX, you’re going to have to lay out $700.

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International Overclockers Day . . . .

It appears the folks at have an interesting new idea. Why not have an International Overclockers Day? They suggest February 29, saying that’s the best day because that’s the one day of the year when the calendar is overclocked.