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A Centrino In Your Future?

The Inquirer reports that Intel will begin using the Centrino system for the desktop. I use the term “Centrino system” because the terminology used by Intel is a little confusing. The CPU used in Centrino is not called a Centrino;

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Five Years

Five Years Give or take a week or so one way or the other, it has been five years since I began writing for Overclockers. When I began, most overclockers people were taking these less-than-a-year old things from Intel called

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Another Stepping For Prescott . . . .

Intel announced that it will come out with a D-0 stepping for Prescott. Here’s their announcement. The following is almost certainly is happening/is going to happen: Intel didn’t find the C-0 stepping acceptable for higher speed Prescotts; not seeing any

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Some Thoughts About MOSFETs . . . .

With higher wattage Prescotts showing up, interests turns to the components on the motherboard responsible for feeding the beast, components like MOSFETs. The problem isn’t with the existence of beefier components able to handle more power and heat, the problem

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Sneaking Up From Behind . . . .

While we’ve all been looking at Intel and AMD (with an occasional glance at Via), somebody else could be sneaking up from behind. It’s called the XBox2. Stop thinking you’re you, and pretend you’re one of your Joe Sixpack friends.

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An AMD Bookmark . . . .

If you are interested in using Windows for AMD64 in a current or future Hammer system, don’t ask, don’t think, just bookmark this and expect to use it. What did you just do? You’ve bookmarked a new website dedicated to