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A Look At Apple, Part Two . . .

Yesterday, we had an article which indicated two things: Apple’s desktop sales remain static. Any Mac sales success is solely due to notebooks. What might be the ramifications of this? Dump The Mac? For years and years when people have

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A Real-Life Story . . .

Over the last week, I’ve been dealing with a friend of a friend with computer problems. The person was a sixtyish Sixpack, married, kids grown up, light computing interests and needs. The machine was a vintage 440BX box, PII 400,

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Followup On ReadyBoost . . .

The other day, I spoke a bit about ReadyBoost and pointed out that all flash drives aren’t created equal. Here’s one article which speaks about the same thing and points out that many cards, even current ones, won’t even pass

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ATI DX10 R600 Pictures

A friendly mole sent me pictures of ATI’s DX10 R600 videocard – I can’t vouch that these are “real”, but nevertheless looks interesting: The fan on the heatsink bears a label from Millennium Electronics (MEI); this is a blower configuration:

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A Thought About ReadyBoost . . .

One of the new features meant to boost Vista performance is ReadyBoost, which is essentially “use flash memory rather than the hard drive.” So far people have been underwhelmed by it, as evidenced here. However, it should be noted that