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Come one, come all! The OCF Rosetta Team needs YOU! In the spirit of fall and all that it brings, it gives me great pleasure to announce the 2nd Annual Rosie RAC Harvest! But what the heck is Rosetta? Check the team introduction!
The event is slated to kick off November 1st. The event will be points based. Basically, the more you crunch the better your chances to win. There are plenty of great prizes up for grabs! Every OCF member is welcome to participate. Heck, anyone you know with a PC is welcome to participate!
Come on over to the SIGN UP THREAD and get yourself registered! You must be registered to participate in the contest and to be eligible for the prize draw at the end. There are several secret prizes that get unlocked as certain accomplishments are met. Other prizes include gift certificates to
- If not, then you’re going to need to go to Berkeley’s BOINC homepage. If you need assistance post up a thread in the Rosetta Team section or contact me.
- If so, then connect to the Rosetta Project, pick as your team and you’re ready to rock n’ roll!
Prizes this year will be in the form of Electronic Gift Certificates from
There will be 4 guaranteed prizes of $50 each, and more unlockable as certain predetermined contest goals are achieved!
Last year, all goals were achieved and all mystery prizes were thrown into the prize pool so make sure to give it all you got!
Sign Up
You MUST sign up in this thread to participate in the contest, and be eligible for the prize draw at the end. Please use the following format:
Forum User name:
BOINC User name:
The event will be points based. Each member will receive 1 entry into the draw per required amount of points crunched.
The required points per entry will be based on RAC (Recent Average Credit) and categorized per the table below.
- RAC <1000 – 3,000 pts per entry
- RAC 1000-3000 – 5,000 pts per entry
- RAC 3000-5000 – 7,000 pts per entry
- RAC 5000-7500 – 10,000 pts per entry
- RAC >7500 – 12,500 pts per entry
Total points will be recorded at midnight on Nov 1st, and again at midnight of the 30th. After which, points will be tallied and entries made per RAC category then randomized by a third party.
Draws will be made on the 1st of December, and entry confirmation will be provided.
For help getting your BOINC client set up, check out Rosetta: Getting Started thread on the forums. Good luck to all participants!
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