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Fush Zero - Comments / Questions go here (Modem Beware)

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I cant believe how great that looks. It makes me wish i got a more modable case with my comp.

Maybe it's going to be a 3 page long super update :D

And I <3 the work put into this. It's actually inspired me to start on my first modding project but that wont start for a few months.
Yeah this project is a very nice one, that's why im looking and checking for update's so frequently! I think he left off on the Vapo chill if im not mistaken...
-Orange Fire.
fush.... great job on the mod, you've inspired me to perform a few of my own once i start building my new rig!
^Bump Bump Bump^

whats the deal. Guru got published on theocmodshop website.... but his project never goes further than what he did here at Ocforums...

Does anyone know if he finished his mod project, or has he just gone MIA for a few months.
Hey all,

I'm not dead... and neither is the project. Like someone mentioned, I did go MIA from the scene for a couple months.

If you didnt know I am an Air Force Officer Cadet so I had to go away for Officer Field Training ("Boot Camp"). Besides that, school and money problems meant I had to put my hobbies on the back burner.

Things are back to normal, and the project will continue. I am happy to see theres still some intrest after 4 months of silence. I was really surprised to still see people bumping this thread. Thanks!

I left off I believe with the Vapochill mods. It's been up and running on my 2600+M for the past few weeks. Works great. Ill try and get something whipped up for you guys in the next few days.

Happy to be back.

Matt (aka Fush)
I figured after 4 months of stagnation I should give you guys some pictures to show you what state the Fush Zero Project sits at right now.

I am actually a little ahead of whats in the sticky forum thread and whats on OCModshop's articles. So Ive got some picture taking and writing to do just to catch up to myself.

So here's some pictures, theyre a little blurry. Didnt have the battery life to fiddle with the manual settings:



Heres the overal computer. As you can see the Vapochill has been modified and works. Works pretty well actually. I have had only one instance where I had to flip the comressor on/off once or twice to get it to cold start. Though under normal operation, the 360 degree loop I added does what its supposed.

Second pic, sorry its dark, is a closeup of the socket area. Had to do some strange bends to get the evap to line up dead on. It also shows how Ive let the wiring get a little cluttered. Gotta get the zip ties out again and hide everything. I got a little lax at school when swapping HD's in and out so the wiring is a little nasty.



Heres two with the flash on showing the Vapochill PE, or what has become of a Vapochill PE. I did a little painting to make sure the setup stood out among all the nasty black compressor and rough metal condensor combos out there. Just wait till I get some UV lights in there, youll be impressed.

Also, the second pic you can see how I mounted the chillcontroll unit all the way in the back. If you remember I sliced off the LCD unit from the chillcontroll and soldered extenstion wires to it so I count mount it in the front of the case. You can see the LCD in the first pic of the two and the very first pic.


Heres a shot of my desktop. I'm using a Barton 2600+ Mobile right now. Note that the CPU temp isnt nearly accurate. I'm not quite sure what to do about it. It shows up in the mid 20's on mobomon, but if I stick a thermocouple in there I get around -12. So I just made mobomon display what the thermocouple read, it's more impressive, and all I use it for anyways is a guide to see how the proc is doing.

My evap temps stick around -22 Celcius with what SiSoft Sandra reads as a 144 watt load. Ive been running the chip at 2700mhz @ 1.84v, but I havent really pushed it yet. The vapo seems to have trouble once you push past 160 watts as read in SiSoft Sandra. Though I know the chip will do at least 2900mhz, I have hit it pretty easily but the Vapo temps drop drasticly. So I'll wait to really push it once I get a mix of R404 and R134 in the system.


Lastly, heres a nasty pic of the socket area, but I thought it showed off the colors pretty well in the daylight. Note I coated the evap clamp with UV, looks pretty nice. I still hate those wires though... They need some hiding.

So now all thats ahead of me is to finish off the Vapo case with some acrylic and watercut aluminum. Then go ahead with the custom fan grills and maybe surface accents like I was talking about way back when.

I guess I'll have to get on that.