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New Member Welcome Mat !

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Hi, my name is Ben.

I've been a long time lurker. Now that I have more time on my hands, I plan on trying to contribute to this community. Thanks for everyone els who participates in the recording of knowledge. This forum's attitude fits right in with mine :)

Thanks again for the years of information and to the years ahead!
Hey guys! Just had some help with an account activation because of my web filter problems...Been lurking this website for a month and some change. Glad to be here and thanks matt for the help.

Anytime for a service member - I have this thing about bullets and bombs, I don't mess with them and they don't mess with me. Glad to give back to those who are deployed and serving our country! :salute:
Haha thanks bro, i am definitely in the rear playing on these computers. I'm just crossing my fingers the MAN doesn't block this website!
Hey all, great forum you have here, very informative and professional! I recently built my first AMD machine in probably 6 years....needless to say I was out of the loop a bit and your forum had the most (good) information for me so I decided to join up and pay it forward by helping out those in need.

So...my name is xokeman and...

...I been hammering CPUs & GPUs since around 2000 when I got out of the Army and started college. AMD Thunderbirds, Palominos, Thoroughbreds, and Bartons. I remember when AMD had a FSB! lol! Then on to the Intel P4s (they could support more dual channel RAM) Northwoods, Prescotts (hot little sucker), Cedar Mills. Back to AMD for a minute with Claw Hammers, FX-55s, then back to Intel for the C2D hayday, e6300, e6600, x6800, q6600 (still one of the best), qx6850, e8400, and e8600. ATi 9000, 9800 pro (still an epic GPU), Nvidia 5950s, 6800gts, 7800s, 8800gts...finally Ati 4890s. DDr, DDr2, DDr3....PCI-AGP-PCIe. Probably owned every brand of motherboard out there, from Epox 8RDA6+ PRO and the Asus P4P800 Deluxe to the eVga 680i and Gigabyte ep45-ud3p to the Biostar i45 T-Power and the eVga Classified, and now the TA890FXE. Did my first water system in 2002, went sub zero in 2005, got competitive in 2007, got sick of both and went back to air for fun in late 2009. Started my own website in 2007, did pretty well, sold it in 2009, worked in IT/computers for the better part of 6 years, then started my own company (not IT related)...anyways...been doing this for a while...

...and I still learn new things everyday! Love it!

Just wanted to say thanks to all your members for being so courteous, and to the staff for holding it all together, I know first hand how much work that can be. Hope I can help. Thnx! xoke
Hey, I love boards where one can introduce themselves, really makes it alot more welcoming. Aslo feel a bit douchey becuase I never signed up earlier in life lol.

Anyways, my names Daryl, I absolutely love computers, only thing I love more than cars. lol

Currently im running a 5400+ BE X2 @ 3.0ghz, MSI Hawk 5770, 530w PSU, 750GB 7200rpm HDD, 4GB's of DDR2-800.

I work with Geek Squad, not the greatest enviorment, but I work with computers and get paid for it, so its enjoyable. One of the perks of working with electronic stores like Best Buy is you can sign up for Intel's employee only site. Intel' sometimes has great deals for employees...

That said, I have a i7-940 Bloomfield, DX58SO-Extreme Edition MoBo, X25-M 160GB SSD, and Assassins Creed 2 coming in a few weeks for me.

Paid 600 bones for all that.

Planning on dropping it in one of two Antec 900's I have laying around there with a 650w Antec PSU, and my current 5770.

Just need to buy RAM to finish the build.

And then I want to do some serious cable management, since that's the only way to do it!
Hi thanks for the great site. I'm researching how to Overclock and what kind of cooling I'm going to need. This site is the most helpful and well written one I've seen so far. I never heard of the folding@home project before and I think I'm going to get into that right away. Looks like a great thing to get involved in. Maybe an excuse for me to put together a few PCs from the scraps I've got.
TJ here.
I have posted a couple times, but have kept procrastinating on posting on this mat. Thank you for this site. I have been doing some research for several weeks and this site I found felt the most professional without intimidating, well informed without snobbish, and stable without exclusivity. For that I need to give a big thanks to the people who designed this site, the people who have kept the mission of this site alive, and those who have already assisted me on my posts.
As a new person to enthusiast and overclocking of computers, I feel comfortable in posting questions that are either specific to me or general knowledge that I may have overlooked or improperly searched. Hopefully, I will be able to contribute to the help that I have already received, as well will recieve. Until then, please keep the information flowing to this information starved newbie.
Welcome to OCF The Last Master, eric229 and TJB21! :welcome:

All three of you shared insight that makes me proud to be a member of this community. It's what it has been striving for since I joined and before, especially the comments from TJB21 about the community. It's always nice to hear we're still doing right by those new to our humble abode.

So welcome, enjoy your stay!

Im 31, I am a panelbeater and car spray painter by trade but had to change trade due to a major back injury now im a tattooist and run a tattoo Studio. Ive been into computers since i was very young, I have a mate whos a IT tradesman of over 20 years who spent a couple of years teaching me alot and I have done a level 2 and 3 computer course, fixed and built heaps of computers, laptops and chipped xboxes etc. I have now come to the stage were I want to start overclocking etc. I built the rig in my signature about 3 or 4 years ago still goes perfect, asus has treated me well. Very cool website/forum by the way too!!!
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Im 31, I am a panelbeater and car spray painter by trade but had to change trade due to a major back injury now im a tattooist and run a tattoo Studio. Ive been into computers since i was very young, I have a mate whos a IT tradesman of over 20 years who spent a couple of years teaching me alot and I have done a level 2 and 3 computer course, fixed and built heaps of computers, laptops and chipped xboxes etc. I have now come to the stage were I want to start overclocking etc. I built the rig in my signature about 3 or 4 years ago still goes perfect, asus has treated me well. Very cool website/forum by the too!!!

Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Welcome to a great site!

I'd like to see some of your ink, if you don't mind sharing.. Just send me a PM.

Its funny how many people are in the automotive industry that are also closely tied to electronic modification.. But like I said before, I guess they go hand in hand :)
So, new member here. I'm also new to the Overclock Scene. I have a bunch of questions, but I'm not sure where to ask them at. They involve questions about computer parts, efficiency, this vs that so on so forth. I saw a 'General Computer Related Discussion' section, not sure if I should post it there. I would prefer to make just one topic for my questions so as to not cause spam. Anyways, the community looks friendly and it seems like everyone knows how to enjoy life and laugh at stuff and not get upset. Looking forward to getting some feedback.
Hi Everyone!!!

I'm Joel and just started roughly two weeks ago. Reading posts from this website helped me a lot in making my new box stable so as a sign of appreciation, I decided to join the group of cool and helpful people here.
