At, there were forum members who liked playing UT together and in fact played UT as a loose clan.
After the release of UT2K3, some of these members slowly realized that they wanted to really play the game as it was meant to be played: with an organized clan. Several members of the website forums expressed a desire to form a UT2K3 clan for matches against other clans.
One specific member, SpeeDj, began to locate other forum members who felt as he did. With a small group of people who were UT2K3 enthusiasts, the OCG clan was born, and now so has the Overclocked Gamerz website.
OCG is much more than that, though.
What is [OCG]? Well, it is a new portal sponsored by for all of the gaming fanatics who make their home. It is a joint collaborative effort with owners and staff meant to give all the Gaming Clans their own home, and as such will grow and develop over time.
Any game, any genre, they will all have a home at OCG if enough people want it. We’ll start with the Unreal Tournament 2003 clan and shortly thereafter cover organized players for other games such as Battle Field 1942 and Medal of Honor.
The long term goal of OCG is to help organize clans by providing the foundation for clan web sites and forums with built in administration and structure. Each clan will be able to administer their own affairs without having to worry about the logistics of running the web site itself.
The founding staff for OCG are experienced moderators and seniors. OCG will follow all the rules of, so all current members of the Overclockers Forum should have no problems adjusting and settling in. You’ll find the same friendly environment at OCG that you’ll find at’s forums.
It is with all of your help that OCG will grow into a formidable clan site. Our hope is that as OCG grows, we will be able to provide some really cool benefits to our member clans.
One area we will focus on is to have active sponsors for the site. We will work to provide reviews of gaming hardware and software and possibly even have some items to give our members via contests or drawings.
With the strength of behind it, OCG will be able to grow and thrive, and as OCG gains strength, it will be able to help as well. New members will find OCG through their work in overclocking their systems to improve their gaming and others will find a home for their overclocking interests through their interest in ultimate gaming performance coming from OCG.
Some of you may not be familiar with organized gaming or the formation of clans. As game players, particularly those playing team-oriented games, increase their skills, they begin to want a higher level of play.
Organized clans have developed intricate systems to allow many clans to compete and track their track record. The general system used is called a ladder after the system used in many sports competitions. Teams compete to move higher up the ladder, meaning that they are better than those below them on the ladder.
One of the biggest systems for organized matches is the OGL (Online Gaming League). There are very specific rules for competing in systems such as the OGL, which all competitors must follow. The playing field must be fair for each clan, no cheating etc. OCG hopes to compete in the OGL and possibly other systems and to do well!
The OCG UT2K3 clan has already been formed for its initial competitions, which will mostly consist of Capture the Flag and Team Death Match. As the clan matures and interest grows other play styles may be added.
The clan will need members beyond the founding admin staff to help fill out skills and availability. We will also need new members as we grow, pick up new play styles or have members who need to take breaks or become inactive.
Recruiting will not be active at all times but will be advertised as needed. To join the OCG UT2K3 clan, prospective members will have to prove themselves worthy. They can do that through participation in the clan forums, their attitudes and demeanor with other members and visitors, and also by actual combat in live matches.
Details of these tryouts will be posted and prospective members will be voted on by a majority of the founding admin/staff. Skill is not the overriding qualification for joining the OCG UT2K3 clan. A person’s attitude and demeanor will play a very important part in their possible selection into the clan; this is a clan, this is a team.
Procedures for other clans will be posted and handled by those clans’ staff members.
Almost all of the staff of [OCG] has a solid background in PC gaming to ensure that OCG stays focused on competitive gaming. It also means you’ll be able to get help from people out there fragging on a competitive level day-in, day-out.
We encourage any and all questions about this to be directed either to us at the OCG site as a whole or by email.
You can mail Chris at [email protected] or J at [email protected].
Hope to hear from you soon!
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