How many smartphones have 50,000 downloadable apps?
You have to give props to Gillette – the genius of the “razors and blades” business model fairly revolutionized some businesses. And props to Apple for digitizing this model. Cruise by Apple’s iPhone Store to see what all the noise is about – there are something like 50,000 apps (and growing); with the new features in the 3G S, you will see a lot of location-based apps.
I started to look at some and I am amazed – I can get Flight Tracker, play a piano, edit photos, play games and it goes on and on. The revolutionary aspect of iPhone is clear – it epitomizes the essence of personal, portable computing. I’m on the road with limited time, but here are some links that might interest our readers:
10 cool things about the iPhone 3G S
Six awesome photo-related apps for the iPhone
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