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Theories About Modern CPU Cache

Today there are two major CPU manufactures, Intel and AMD. Both have good products on the market. But when overclocking, there are many factors to consider when buying a CPU – like the constant battle between the Athlon Vs Coppermine.

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Late this year and into next, the great RAMBUS/DDR debates will begin. This may bemuse many of you who thought RAMBUS was dead and buried everywhere except RAMBUS stock sites and Intel press releases, but no, RAMBUS is our Jason.

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The Great CPU Price War of 2001

Facts: World PC Demand in 2000: Figure 30-35 million for each of the first three quarters of 2000; 35-40 million for 4Q 2000. Projected Athlon production in 2000: 1Q 2000: 1.2 million Athlons 2Q 2000: 1.8 million Athlons 3Q 2000:

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Where Are They?

I haven’t written in a while because I’ve been involved in a rather major comparison between the two major RAID cards on the market and finding out all sorts of strange things about benchmarks and OSs. You’ll see the results

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Radiator Alternative

SUMMARY: A simple copper coil can function as a radiator – more complex designs might even prove superior? When I enter my basement, I see my dehumidifier chugging away. What I noticed is that this thing works using a simple

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Global Win FLK32

Why do we need this? This is going to be a little different fan/heatsink review. I read the computer hardware newsgroups a lot. Very often, I see somebody get so far with a processor, then say something like, “all I

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Cold Plate Materials and Thickness

UPDATE 1/21/02: Cusil Thermal Conductivity Mr. Toshi Oyama, Ph.D. R&D Manager, WESGO Metals recently informed me “that the thermal conductivity of Cusil was calculated from Electrical conductivity, which is reasonable since both are controlled by free electrons in metals. However,

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PCNut Custom Pro Crusher Jr.

Humphrey from PCNut said he was sending me an Athlon system to review, I never dreamed it would be as awesome a performer as it is! Read on… System Specs: (As reviewed) Athlon 500 overclocked to 800! (Yes, 800!!) With