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KT333 . . .

The critical question in 2002 for AMD is “how much bandwidth can the Athlon (as opposed to any particular platform for it) handle?” AMD apparently plans to stick with a 133/266MHz FSB throughout 2002. Are they doing that because faster

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Column A or Column B?

We’re going to try a little experiment here. I’m going to tell you what I find to be the bare essentials about the LSN and Gigabyte 8IXRP board, you tell me if it’s enough or not. The Cooler I used

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Early Northwood Overclocking

We’re beginning to see some reports from the pioneers on Northwood, most particularly at VR Zone, and even this early, we can draw a few conclusions: Before beginning, if you go to the link, “LN2” stands for liquid nitrogen. Don’t

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KT266 Vs. KT266A: Which Is Which?

KT266 boards have been out for a while now. KT266A boards are just beginning to come out. What’s the difference? Essentially, the North Bridge has been revised to improve memory performance. You definitely want a KT266A board rather than a

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The Suitcase PC

This is my SuitCase PC: I did it myself using a Dremel and some other power tools – LOL. It’s a standard metallic suitcase – the suitcase is a little smaller than a midi ATX tower. I use a wireless

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Anotha Contenda

At the beginning of this year, I thought this whole DDR thing would be a nightmare. I was wrong; it’s been worse. I expected Bozo the Clown, instead I’m getting Waiting for Godot. You buy an AMD DDR board, you’ll

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System Builders Speak

(Ed.note: These are comments from those who built or have been intimately involved with the construction and/or operation of dozens to hundreds of machines. You can see that these folks have had much different experiences. Maybe it might be a