RAM Prices to Remain High

Even though computer memory prices have risen sharply in the past few months, it seems they may climb even more.

Some Representative RAM
G.Skill TridentX DDR3-2600 CL10 RAM Kit

Some Representative RAM
ADATA Gaming Series DDR3-2400 RAM Kit

The shortage, which started in the first quarter of 2013, is not limited only to computer DDR modules, but also smartphones, graphics cards and pretty much anything else. DRAM manufacturers are reported to have switched a big part of their production to smartphone products to meet the ever increasing demand for these devices, leaving the PC market in a shortage. Companies such as Acer and Asustek Computer have began stockpiling memory products last quarter to ensure availability at competitive prices as they are gearing up for the release of products based on Haswell, Intel’s upcoming processor.

At this point, even if manufacturers were to reverse manufacturing lines to PC parts, it would be expected to take several months to see the stock increase and prices go down.

DigiTimes Reports


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Avatar of Boulard83


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Avatar of Culbrelai


1,804 messages 9 likes

Shame, but smart business move to stay alive.

They may be making LESS, but at least they're still making them.

I suppose this is destined to continue with the rise of mobile devices... Personally, I am underwhelmed by tablets (my phone can do everything a tablet can do, and make calls lol) and have no idea why the average idiot I mean consumer likes them so much.

Nobody on this site is an average consumer. I find computer techies (hobbyists, whatever you call yourself) to be extremely well researched and one of the smartest classes of consumer.

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Avatar of Boulard83


3,474 messages 0 likes

@ Culb
I have an "old" TF101-32gb, 10inch Asus tablet, and i really like it. Yes my android phone can do pretty much anything my tablet too can do but i prefer to have a nice 10inch device on hand when im on my couch, listening to TV or movies. My TF-101 also have the docking keaboard so this tablet also act as my kind of laptop. I'm also in the process of finding a 7inch tablet for the wife, she have an iphone 4S and an ipad mini could do it for her but i not an apple fan, in fact i dont like apple .... i will try to switch her to android with a Nexus7.

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Avatar of BlackJack10


187 messages 0 likes

By the time DDR3 RAM prices lower to where they were before, DDR4, Broadwell, and 9970's will be commonplace.

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Avatar of hokiealumnus

Water Cooled Moderator

16,561 messages 26 likes

I suppose this is destined to continue with the rise of mobile devices... Personally, I am underwhelmed by tablets (my phone can do everything a tablet can do, and make calls lol) and have no idea why the average idiot I mean consumer likes them so much.

Frankly, because they're easier to read, at least that's why I like ours. When I'm at home, I find it can replace my laptop for the vast majority of my time that's not spent at an actual computer. Plus I got it open-box for a ridiculously cheap price, which always helps.

Anyway, sad about DRAM prices. It was very nice to have such cheap RAM while it lasted though!

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Avatar of Culbrelai


1,804 messages 9 likes

The Surface that can run legacy desktop apps is the only impressive tablet to me, and even then you minus well just buy a laptop if your gonna spend $1000 on a computing device.

But yeah, cheap ones are nice, that isn't really what I was referring to, I mean the whole "My $600+ iPad can do everything a computer can do so why do I need a computer anymore?" I hear that all of the time and it really grinds my gears. What I was saying is that nobody (I hope) here would say/think that.

You can't run Cinema 4D to model characters for a film on a tablet =P

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Avatar of dostov

Overclockers.com Reporter

601 messages 0 likes

Why is it that every single time I'm planning an upgrade prices are right up there with no hope of going down? :bang head

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Avatar of dyckah


1,844 messages 1 likes

@ Culb
I have an "old" TF101-32gb, 10inch Asus tablet, and i really like it. Yes my android phone can do pretty much anything my tablet too can do but i prefer to have a nice 10inch device on hand when im on my couch, listening to TV or movies. My TF-101 also have the docking keaboard so this tablet also act as my kind of laptop. I'm also in the process of finding a 7inch tablet for the wife, she have an iphone 4S and an ipad mini could do it for her but i not an apple fan, in fact i dont like apple .... i will try to switch her to android with a Nexus7.

i have a nexus 7 myself and really like it, seems a good solid product

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564 messages 0 likes

Bah humbug, somehow the prices are going too high.
2X4 GB starting at $65 in most cases?
2X2 GB 1600 over $40?
And yes I've done better. But still.

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Avatar of Supertrucker

Way Too Jealous Member

2,160 messages 0 likes

Sale prices can still be pretty good. 16gb of crucial 1600 was 76.50 the other day at the egg, i snagged 16gb of geil 1866 9-10-10 for 87 about a month ago. Its just not worth buying if it isnt on sale these days.

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