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Slotket Sorrow

I bought a generic slotket. Here is a picture of it: This is a newer generic slocket, so it is supposed to support FC-PGA as well as PPGA. There are NO adjustments anywhere – everything works via autodetect. Or does

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Van Smith said the following a little while back: . . . more nefarious are Big Money hardware sites poised to be launched soon. These outfits will try to carry the banner of the Internet hardware community, but — and

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Computex: View From The East

SUMMARY: Visiting Taiwan and Computex is like the kid who got locked in the candy store – this is the motherlode. I decided to go to Computex this year because I felt it was important to get up close and

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DDR Memory With Abit KG7

Got the hots for the KG7 because it has four DDR memory slots (as opposed to everybody’s else’s two)? I hope you didn’t buy three or four sticks of memory for it yet; there’s a reason why all the other

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AMD Clock Throttling

There’s been some occasional flareups about Intel using clock-throttling on Willamette processors. Well, we mentioned this briefly a little while back, but AMD CPUs have a form of clock-throttling in place, too, actually pretty similiar to Intel’s. They even use

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What is SMP??

Editorial note: I have heavily modified this article, not because it was bad, but to simplify it for those not familiar with multiprocessing. Blame me for all the analogies. 🙂 The term “SMP” is an acronym for “symmetric multiprocessing”. This

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Gateway Server

I have ordered one of the Gateway computers, and thought you might be interested in some specifics I got from a Gateway rep and an engineer he pulled in. I have posted to the forum also, but you might want

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How Much Would You Pay

As I mentioned on the front page, Tom’s Hardware indicates that the likely distributor price for a microATX board to be about $130, and one of these full-fledged nForce boards to be $150-160. That would make the low street price

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What You Said About SMP

On the whole, I was quite pleased by the responses I got, and learned from them. The most usual response I got basically said, “I run at least two applications that hog CPU cycles at one time. Things run smoother