There seems to be some confusion as to what AMD plans to do next year. This article does a good job summarizing what we know and adds a few extra tidbits which confirm some other earlier tidbits. To summarize even
First, if you don’t know what Folding is, take a look at this thanks to David Nelson. Hello! I would like to introduce the Folding Mentor Project to you all. For those of you who have gotten into the Folding@Home
Steven Jobs filed for a name change the other day, if not officially, at least in the eyes and minds of many. It’s not Steven Jobs or Steve Jobs, any more, it’s Little Stevie Jobs, just like Little Stevie Wonder.
So, you visit and read the front page, perhaps mess around at in the (surprise surprise) forums there. What else is there to do here? Quite a bit actually. There are currently three active teams
Microsoft has begun its “swap for Windows XP Pro 64-bit” program. There seems to be a few bugs in the webpages covering it, though, which led me to send this email to Microsoft (links added to original): Your website offers
Usually, when we use the phrase, “Are you hurting?” we mean figuratively, as in “My machine is slow.” Today, though, we mean, “Are you literally hurting because of your computer?” Laptop computer, to be specific. This article says more and