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65 Fans Tested on a Megahalems

The Megahalems comes with no fans of its own. You can choose your own fans, but what fans do you get? How well do they cool your system? How loud are they? When I decided I wanted to cool a 4GHz Core i7 860 with a Megahalems, I figured I would test a few fans and see how well they did. Needless to say, I sort of got carried away. I tested 65 fans in many configurations. Read all about it.

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Gigabyte Radeon HD 5870 SOC (Super Overclock) Review

I recently received a couple treats from Gigabyte Japan, namely a pair of new Radeon HD 5870 Super Overclock or “SOC” edition video cards. These cards feature a “binned” GPU, a custom PCB with tons of high-end features, and a custom air cooler. They also come with a factory rating of 950MHz for the GPU and 1250MHz for the GDDR5 memory, a significant boost over the 850/1200MHz speed of the reference cards. I took this beast of a card, and as you might expect, I put it through its paces with a buffet of benchmarks to find the absolute limits of performance.

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DVD Drive Window Mod Tutorial

The goal of this mod is to put an acrylic window on to the top of a drive so you can see it operating. Obviously this is pointless unless you can see the top of the drive in the case, but if you can then it looks pretty neat!

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To ‘ES’ or not to ‘ES’? That is the HWBOT question…

A hot topic on the benchmarking scene has developed in the form of a HWBOT forum poll created by BenchZowner to discuss whether or not to continue to allow Engineering Sample CPUs as boint scoring hardware. For those that may not know, an ES chip is one that is not released to the public, cannot be sold (legally), and can be coveted for its potential overclocking performance over retail chips. A lot of the sponsored overclockers use these chips and can potentially score more boints than an average joe that is using an unbinned retail chip, which is essentially the heart of the matter.