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NZXT Releases External Touch-Screen Fan Controller

Who said all fan controllers are created equal? Certainly not, in fact just in the past six months, we looked at several different fan controllers, analyzing performance and design. After investigating the offerings from several top manufacturers, including Lamptron (FC-2 and FC-3, FC-5), Scythe and even an older NZXT model, clearly the new NZXT Sentry LXE is by far the best-looking fan controller out there.

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Water-Cooled Router Mod Tutorial

Is your router getting too hot? Try water-cooling it! This tutorial covers everything you need to know from router selection, component selection, and putting everything together. If you like extreme cooling, this mod is for you!

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MSI 890FXA-GD70 Motherboard Review

MSI has been working hard to improve their reputation as an overclocker-friendly motherboard manufacturer, and I can say I’ve seen a pretty steady improvement in general overclocking performance over the past few years. MSI’s newest addition to their AMD line of motherboards is one of my favorite products yet.

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Core Temp 0.99.7 Released

A new version of Core Temp was released this weekend: fixes the frequency issues, improves processor detection and support for the Windows 7 taskbar. Also, an introduction to CoreTempMC, a Core Temp extension for Windows Media Center.

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ATI Driver Installation in Linux

Scared to use an ATI card in Linux? Had a horrible experience with ATI in Linux that resulted in 2 smashed keyboards, a broken Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD, and three trips to your family psychiatrist? Well I did, well maybe not THAT bad, but really close. Since I started using Linux roughly two years ago, I always ran it without 3D video drivers because ATIs drivers were so hard to install and configure. I started out using Ubuntu, I believe it was 8.04, with my brand spankin’ new ATI 4870 and it was tearing it up in Windows, but as soon as I started dual booting Windows and Ubuntu, it all came crashing down. So this article is dedicated to all those broken keyboards and LiveCDs.

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Choosing a Solid State Drive

By now, you have heard all about Solid State Drives: They are one of the most beneficial upgrades for your computer, and those who upgrade to an SSD will almost never be able to go back. So, let’s say you are convinced; you know the size you need and you’ve decided you’ll get one. Wallet in hand, you are ready to buy one, but you realize there are a lot of them. Which is the best one? Which is the best SSD in a given size class?