AMD Releases Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition 20.2.2

This morning, AMD released the latest version of the Radeon driver, AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.2. Read on to see what problems have been addressed with this new update and any known issues that AMD is still working through. Links for the latest updates are provided below.

Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.2 Highlights

Fixed Issues

  • Performing a task switch with some Radeon Software features enabled or some third-party applications with hardware acceleration running in the background may cause a system hang or black screen.
  • Improvements have been made that allow for more responsive fan ramp up or fan ramp down times on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report lower than expected clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products during gaming workloads.
  • When Instant Replay is enabled, a TDR or black screen may occur when launching games or applications.
  • A black screen may occur when toggling HDR on in the game settings of Battlefield™ V.
  • The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt™ may experience an application hang or black screen during certain parts of the game or intermittently during gameplay.
  • Some video content in Chrome™ may appear as a black screen or be unresponsive on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products when hardware acceleration is enabled.
  • Metro Exodus™ may experience an application hang or TDR when choosing some specific dialogue prompts in the Sam’s Story DLC.
  • Grand Theft Auto™ V may experience an application crash when invoking Radeon Software’s overlay with third party OSD applications running.
  • Monster Hunter World™: Iceborne may experience intermittent crashes while idle or on the character creation screen.
  • Some games colors may appear washed out when HDR mode has been enabled in game and Windows® on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products
  • After a Factory Reset installation with the ‘Keep My Settings’ option chosen, Instant Replay could fail to function if it was enabled in the previous Radeon Software installation.
  • When invoking Radeon Software’s overlay while a game is open users may observe flickering in the game or in the Radeon Software interface.
  • Radeon Software may experience a crash and error message when locking Windows® or performing a sleep or hibernate with the Radeon Software Streaming tab open.
  • A loss of display with working audio may be experienced on a limited number of displays when performing a mode change on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Radeon Software may fail to launch if Radeon Software’s overlay is disabled and a game is running in the background.
  • Battlefield™ V may experience an application hang or TDR after extended periods of play.
  • Some Origin™ games may fail to be detected or may detect the incorrect game title in Radeon Software.
  • Some productivity applications are being detected and listed in the Radeon Software games tab.
  • The Radeon Chill hotkey could sometimes continue to remain enabled once the user has removed or disabled the hotkey.
  • Red Dead Redemption™ 2 may exhibit blocky textures on snow covered terrain.
  • After resuming from sleep, Chrome™ may experience an application crash if video content was previously playing on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products.
  • Radeon FreeSync status in Radeon Software may sometimes fail to update when enabling or disabling the feature through the display itself.
  • Fortnite™ may experience an application crash on Radeon RX 500 series Hybrid Graphics system configurations.

Known Issues

  • Enhanced Sync may cause a black screen to occur when enabled on some games and system configurations. Enhanced Sync has been temporarily disabled from the gaming profile and any users who may be experiencing issues with Enhanced Sync enabled should disable it as a temporary workaround.
  • Performance Metrics Overlay and Radeon WattMan incorrectly report higher than expected idle clock speeds on Radeon RX 5700 series graphics products. Performance and power consumption are not impacted by this incorrect reporting.
  • DOOM™ may experience an intermittent system hang or application crash during gameplay.
  • Desktop cursor may intermittently remain visible after toggling Radeon Software’s overlay in some games. A workaround is to bring up the game menu or task switch to refresh the cursor.
  • A system crash or hang may occur when running the Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers™ benchmark.
  • The Gaming tab in Radeon Software may display some folder locations appearing as games.
  • Radeon Software may open with an inconsistent window size or may not keep its previously set size when opened.
  • Modifying the HDMI Scaling slider may cause FPS to become locked to 30.
  • Some games may exhibit stutter intermittently during gameplay on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products.
  • Some games may experience stutter while using Instant Replay or third-party applications that stream or perform screen capture. A potential workaround is to disable these features or applications while gaming.
  • Although Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.2 resolves many black screen issues, AMD is aware that some users may still experience black screen or system hang issues during extended periods of gameplay. AMD will continue to monitor and investigate reports of these issues closely.

The Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.2.2 installation package can be downloaded from the following links:

By clicking the Download button, you are confirming that you have read and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions of the End User License Agreement (“EULA”).  If you do not agree to the terms and conditions of these licenses, you do not have a license to any of the AMD software provided by this download.

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Avatar of Joe88


633 messages 136 likes

Ok, tested this for about 2 weeks and no go.
Still getting game crashes, black screens, signal would just be lost randomly from the card. Also getting a static screen sometimes.
OW for example, the hero gallery screen was flickering, playing one game then left to the main menu and the game crashed.
Its better I guess then the last drivers but still have a long way to go...

Back to 19.11.3 again.

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Avatar of DaveB

Senior Member

2,969 messages 373 likes

I've also been running it for 2 weeks or so with no issues at all.

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Benching Team Leader

14,000 messages 3,468 likes

For me, it works without issues on the RX5600XT or RX5700XT which I was testing in last weeks. I know that soon (maybe in 1-2 weeks) should be an update which will probably raise the OC bar as most RX5600XT and some 5700/XT cards are hitting a wall at barely any OC. For example, I have XFX 5600XT THICC III Ultra which OC "all" 2%. This card is one of the best out of the box and could easily OC much higher. I have an unofficial BIOS which sets a higher base GPU clock but the limit in the wattman is still without changes. Right now, regardless of series, every RX5600XT has the same max clock - 1820MHz boost for GPU and 1860MHz for mem.
So I'm waiting on another update and will back to tests.

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Avatar of EarthDog

Gulper Nozzle Co-Owner

77,921 messages 4,625 likes

OUt of the several I have reviewed, I didn't run into any problems. That said, if you look around the web, AMD drivers are taking a pounding from users. The notorious black screen issue a major one.

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Benching Team Leader

14,000 messages 3,468 likes

I'm a happy user who has no problems at all for longer. Vega56 runs 24/7 for some months without issues (updated drivers maybe 3 times). RX5700 was working on my brother's PC for 3 months without problems. I was testing it with some other RX5700 also without problems and some weeks ago I moved to the RX5600 XT which only throws a green screen in one benchmark when I set maximum possible memory clock (10-20MHz lower is fine).
As I said, I had some info that soon will be a new driver which should change some more so we will see if it's better or not.

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Avatar of EarthDog

Gulper Nozzle Co-Owner

77,921 messages 4,625 likes

Anecdotes, both of us. :)

But it is clear AMD drivers, in particular since Navi release and the first Adrenalin 2020 drivers have had several issues. Just because we haven't run into it, doesn't mean there isn't a problem. :)

It will be interesting to see if drivers unlock more overclocking capabilities, but mostly what users want is stability from their recent drivers on Navi.

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Avatar of Joe88


633 messages 136 likes

And the 20.3.1 drivers are out

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Avatar of EarthDog

Gulper Nozzle Co-Owner

77,921 messages 4,625 likes

And the 20.3.1 drivers are out


The black screen issue is still on the known problems list... :(

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Avatar of trents

Senior Member

24,807 messages 49 likes

So why do some Navi users have problems and others do not? Is it "trusted partner" customizations that cause problems? Other drivers or software running on certain machines? Display variations? Somehow this doesn't make sense to me. Are there any patterns that have developed that might shed light on these problems?

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Avatar of EarthDog

Gulper Nozzle Co-Owner

77,921 messages 4,625 likes

If there was, there would likely be a lot less issues going on or most would have been resolved in a more timely manner. I don't know percentage-wise how many this is affecting, I assume little overall (a few percent?), but from the sheer number of complaints about known issues, it's a lot more than typical.

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