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2407-HC, Pics and Console Hook-ups, 56k Warning!!!

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Hmm. I've been thinking of upgrading my Samsung 204BW (20" 1600x1200) display to a 24" LCD. A friend of mine has the Samsung 245BW and I don't find the viewing angles to be bad. Of course, that's because I'm used to my TN laptop displays and my TN 204BW. However, I don't find it to be bad primarily due to the fact that I sit directly in front of the monitor anyways.

In either case, many people on the forum said the Samsung 245BW sucks and it would be better if you got the 2407WPF-HC from Dell. However, this thread makes the 2407-HC look like crap. I don't understand.

I was wondering what the "HC" suffix meant. What changes have been made between the "HC" version and the regular WPF version? Is this display no longer a TN display? If I recall correctly the 24" WPF used the same Samsung panel as Samsung's old 244T...

Edit: CNET also says: "The only reason we can come up with not to buy it is if you desperately need 1080p over component." -- Is this true? I guess the Xbox360 only runs at 1080i, not p?

Anyways, thanks for the help. I'm trying to make a decision, but this thread scares me. I really don't want to go with the Samsung 245BW because of it's idiotic gloss frame. It wouldn't be that bad if only the "outside" of the frame (the part parallel to the LCD panel) were glossy -- but the inset of the panel bezel (the part perpendicular to the screen that surrounds the edges) is glossy too, causing a nice mirror reflection of your desktop around the border of the screen. It's very very distracting. I can't believe Samsung didn't notice this.
I was wondering what the "HC" suffix meant. What changes have been made between the "HC" version and the regular WPF version? Is this display no longer a TN display? If I recall correctly the 24" WPF used the same Samsung panel as Samsung's old 244T...

Edit: CNET also says: "The only reason we can come up with not to buy it is if you desperately need 1080p over component." -- Is this true? I guess the Xbox360 only runs at 1080i, not p?
The HC stands for "High Color", it allows for 92% full color reproduction, over the standard 72% on most current LCDs. And yes: you will only get 1080i over component; if you want 1080p, you gotta go over DVI (HDMI-to-DVI cable for PS3, our just your PC) or VGA (VGA cable for 360). One down side is that the Samsung doesn't even have component, only DVI and VGA.

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I don't think not having Component is a plus, what if someone has an older Xbox 360 and doesn't want to pay for a VGA cable. Also some cable boxes use component.
In either case, many people on the forum said the Samsung 245BW sucks and it would be better if you got the 2407WPF-HC from Dell. However, this thread makes the 2407-HC look like crap. I don't understand.
Anyways, thanks for the help. I'm trying to make a decision, but this thread scares me. I really don't want to go with the Samsung 245BW because of it's idiotic gloss frame. It wouldn't be that bad if only the "outside" of the frame (the part parallel to the LCD panel) were glossy -- but the inset of the panel bezel (the part perpendicular to the screen that surrounds the edges) is glossy too, causing a nice mirror reflection of your desktop around the border of the screen. It's very very distracting. I can't believe Samsung didn't notice this.

I wouldn't worry about getting the 2407WFP-HC. Mine was perfect right out of the box. No dead pixels. No ghosting issues. There will always be someone with a bad unit in any purchase.
TTP - That's true. I just thought the shadow-ghosting was a more wide-spread issue:
How does the BenQ fair as far as gaming and hooking-up consoles? My Dell 2407WFP-HC is perfect aside from the ghosting bug that *all current models have*.

I may try the monitor out after I dig up some solid documentation on the 20-day full money back guarantee on Dell monitors that Mobious talked about.

Mobious - Really, I don't need any of the extra inputs, only DVI. I don't have any consoles right now. Sold my PS2, my Xbox(1) is at my girlfriend's house, sold my Xbox 360 a few months after I bought it while back in Japan, and I don't plan on buying a new console any time soon. I'm more of an RTS gamer, and I much prefer PC games (except these days there are many more console titles), but I don't have much time between work and school anyways, heh.
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I wouldn't worry about getting the 2407WFP-HC. Mine was perfect right out of the box. No dead pixels. No ghosting issues. There will always be someone with a bad unit in any purchase.
I'm more skeptical about it b/c I've had two, and both of them have the issue.

The ghosting issue definitely exists. Go through the link Mobious posted above and you will see the ghosting. It is really not that bad, but if you concentrate, and have good eyes, you will see the issue.
I did go through his link to the dell thread. I don't have any flickering when I scroll that particular test page up/down. I also compared the response to my 2005FP, 2405WFP and 2407WFP. No difference.

I regularly play BF2, BF2142, WoW, DDO, EQ2, even beta's of Tabula Rasa and Pirates of the Burning Seas and I still don't see any ghosting issues. My dell 2407WFP-HC has the same results as me playing on any of my other monitors.
Meh. I still don't know if it's worth the investment. It seems that the inverse-ghosting is present in all monitors and I'm afraid I will notice it. I'm not an FPSer, and I don't play games often, but I notice small things. I'm very picky about my tech equipment.

I've never had a Dell monitor before, so I have no brand loyalty to them. I would try the LG but the base is retarted and shiny. The Benq looks nice, but it's expensive and the button placement is cumbersome. The Samsung has that damned glossy bezel that makes mirror images of your desktop. The Dell has an irritating inverse-ghost.

Monitor world sucks. :(
TTP, in Mobious' thread in the Dell forums, there is a video he compiled on youtube. Watch it and learn how to get the ghosting to occur, it exists on all monitors, but it is very slight and not exaggerated. It took me a while to see it, but finally found it on COD, just strafe like a crazed WWII veteran.

If you dont see it, cheers. :beer:
TTP, in Mobious' thread in the Dell forums, there is a video he compiled on youtube. Watch it and learn how to get the ghosting to occur, it exists on all monitors, but it is very slight and not exaggerated. It took me a while to see it, but finally found it on COD, just strafe like a crazed WWII veteran.

If you dont see it, cheers. :beer:

I did see the youtube video. However, it's not that dramatic on my monitor. I can replicate some of the ghosting effects by increasing my brightness. However, I have calibrated my monitor with a Spyder and the ghosting is not noticeable anymore.
I did see the youtube video. However, it's not that dramatic on my monitor. I can replicate some of the ghosting effects by increasing my brightness. However, I have calibrated my monitor with a Spyder and the ghosting is not noticeable anymore.
I want to make it clear, to everyone, that that was the older July build monitor. I currently have an August build and the ghosting is SLIGHTLY less noticeable. I just picked up Bioshock for my 360 this week and have been playing it on my 2407 since then. Last night I had my 360 hooked up to the 44" projection (1080i) we have downstairs and I almost didn't want to bring the 360 back upstairs simply because the ghosting runs wild in that game. 90% of the game you are in dark hallways and rooms, and the blacks are light grays. When it ghosts it leaves a black streak of a ghost, which is where I notice it, and it's EVERYWHERE on the screen; makes me think of the old Planar LCDs I had to deal with at my high school. I did fiddle with the color and brightness settings (PC Custom, Red/Blue/Green: 90/90/90; Brightness/Contrast: 75/75; Desktop Mode on all inputs) but it's still there. I just dumped out $600 in college supplies today so a spyder is out of the question. I'm most likely going to leave it, along with my desktop and my consoles, at home till I get settled in at college. Hopefully by then there will be a fix for this problem, at least to the point that I can tolerate it; but, the point that I've been constantly been trying to get across here, that I think a lot of people are overlooking, is the fact that MY screen is having some major issues as well as others. I know there are good screens out there, and people have posted here that they have them, but I'm throwing up a white flag for me and everyone else that is stuck with these sub-par monitors. It's very disappointing, b/c I could really use that $640 right about now, but instead I'm stuck with a monitor (returned once, same issues on the second monitor; that tells me there's a pattern :-/) that makes me sick to my stomach every time I think of how much I paid for it. That's what I'm griping about here. However, this thread wasn't made for just me, it is a general 2407WFP-HC thread made for all owners and their experiences. If you got a good one, please: post about it, post pictures, videos, promote it, let the world know about your experience with this monitor. That's what I'm doing, aren't I??? :D

This is an interesting post, I have a REALLY hard time seeing the ghosting with these settings.

Altho, I ended up backing out of them due to the color just not looking proper.
If you take a look at the Dell thread (http://www.dellcommunity.com/suppor...thread.id=81254&view=by_date_ascending&page=1) there's a growing attendance of 2407WFP-HC owners that are seeing the same issue on their screens as well. Again, the same statement being repeated over and over by the Dell rep. that people REALLY need to key in on: "We are working on a solution, it will take some time before a fix can be released." So, hang tight everyone, looks like it might be a lonely couple of months before we get an answer from Dell :'(
