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8052 on 3dmark2001!

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My score is on default setting:

Nick: I am a person who when talks "trash" or whatever you want to call it, will back it up immediatly with physical proof. I may not be the most liked person here in video land, but I dont speak out of my *** either.

Nick, you made a comment about seeing "stock" systems easily hit over 8k and 10k with GeForce3 Ti 500's. Well I am calling you on it. You have yet to show one single bit of proof to me. So let me clarify to you what I want to see:

1. A stock Geforce3 Ti500, all stcok settings
2. A stock computer, with no overclocking at all,doesnt matter if its an old AMD K6-2 or a Pentium 7 at a gazillion gigahertz as long as its at stock settings
3. Windows XP operating system, as Windows 98 using FAT32 gets higher scores. XP on NTFS scores much lower as is known, and getting 8k with a Ti500 I think may be next to impossible with current hardware configs.
4. A valid link proving the above.

When you show me the above, I will gladly concede to your own remarks, but if you cant provide the above, then IMHO you're talking out of your *** and its nobodies fault but your own. You put yourself in this situation not me. When I make a "brash" statement, I at least make sure i can back myself up, because other fine folks on this BB will call me on it otherwise, just like I have done with you!:eek:
Update: I just hit an 8097, this time with correct&scrub turned off on the RAM.



Project Name My Benchmark

Operating System Microsoft Windows XP
DirectX Version 8.00

Mobo Manufacturer ABIT
Mobo Model 761-686B(KG7)

CPU AMD Athlon(tm) XP/MP/4 1520 Mhz
FSB 133 MHz

3D Accelerator RADEON 8500/RADEON 8500LE
Graphics Chipset ATI Radeon 8500
Driver Version
Video Memory 64 MB

Resolution 1024x768 32bit
Texture Format 16bit
FSAA Disabled
Z-Buffer Depth 16bit
Frame Buffer Double
Rendering Pipeline D3D Pure Hardware T&L

3DMark Result 8097 3D marks

Game 1 Car Chase - Low Detail 123.0 FPS
Game 1 Car Chase - High Detail 43.0 FPS
Game 2 Dragothic - Low Detail 139.2 FPS
Game 2 Dragothic - High Detail 82.4 FPS
Game 3 Lobby - Low Detail 116.5 FPS
Game 3 Lobby - High Detail 50.4 FPS
Game 4 Nature 39.0 FPS

Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) 874.6 MTexels/s
Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) 1925.8 MTexels/s

High Polygon Count (1 light) 33.7 MTriangles/s
High Polygon Count (8 lights) 9.7 MTriangles/s

Environment Bump Mapping 117.3 FPS
DOT3 Bump Mapping 105.3 FPS

Vertex Shader Speed 95.4 FPS
Pixel Shader Speed 121.7 FPS
Point Sprite Speed 30.3 MSprites/s

Published No

My goal is to get to 8250 with stock settings, but i dunno if this is possible with the current drivers available. Anybody with suggestions?? Also wtf cant i run compressed textures?? This is ****ing me off!:mad:
1. I didn't think you said on XP.
2. No I don;t have any proof
3. I have seen 8k on ti500 systems
4. 10K once with a heavily oc'ed system.
I admitted i was talking out of my *** a bit as I have no proof but I am not lying, I mearly wanted to point out that you have an impressive rig and thats why you got such a high score, yes its down to the card as well but the cards are bottlenecked and will be by the cpu untill 2.5ghz = systems are out.
I would like to (civilised manner!!!) compare our systems when mine gets going, im getting a 8500 Win XP professional 768mb Crucial DDR (3 sticks) epox 8kha+ and im waiting for a 2200+ to come out, until then i have a 1ghz tbird.
My system "as impressive as it may be" is actually slowed down a st!tload by these factors:

1. All IDE ports in use(both master and slave)
2. All PCI slots are in use(cept 1)with, USB,NIC,Sound,SCSI
4. Tons of USB peripherals hooked up(scanner,printer,2 game controllers,mouse,keyboard,flashcard input,digital camera)

With all of the above hooked up, I am actually killing my score somewhat. If I wanted the highest score possible, I would dump all the USB ports, use PS2 mouse/keyboard,get rid of the DVD,CDRW,Superdisk, anmd run just a CDROM. As all items are taxing the system and take up resources, the more peripherals your computer has, the slower it becomes. People who want pure gaming performance and benchmark scores wouldnt have any of this extra stuff on their gaming rig, just a cpu,mb,video card, sound card,cdrom,keyboard,mouse,modem/nic,and game controller, thats it. Think of your computer like a tow truck, the more **** it drags with it, the slower it goes.

And BTW if you look closer at my above comments you will see how i mentioned XP as the default op system. People should only be using this or 2k now anyway as microsoft is finally phasing out 95/98.
I made the mistake of flashing the latest MSI BIOS and now my scores are 7980:-( Oh well, maybe once they figure out the stability issues, they'll put out a few performance updates. So currently, non-OCed I'm getting 7980 instead of the 8090 I was getting. I've done ATI before and Matrox and it will take a few more years before I buy another of them. Been reamed too many times before. nVidia has been great since the TNT cards, so I'll stick with them.
nick_cw said:
I'm getting a 8500.
Take 5 mins to look around and a LOT f ti500's get more than 8k wifout ocing, why can't you see two sides of an argument eh? AND YES 10K+ wif a ti500 HAS BEEN ACHIEVED SO HA HA HA!
See i'm sticking up for nvidia even though i'm getting a 8500, why because the 8500 is cheap and WILL eventually be the fastest card out.

Let me stand up here and vouche for R&B. I have been in more than one ATI vs. GFarce arguement with him, me being on the ATI side....

But it kinda sounds like this ATI is starting to grow on you R&B....
Kingslayer said:

Let me stand up here and vouche for R&B. I have been in more than one ATI vs. GFarce arguement with him, me being on the ATI side....

But it kinda sounds like this ATI is starting to grow on you R&B....

Yup I agree that ATI is starting to grow on him heheh
As soon as I get my new computer il do a benchmark with the asus v8200 im getting and we can compare (the new comp specs are on my sig) and we will see how the radeon does...
Ritteri&Bubbles said:
My system "as impressive as it may be" is actually slowed down a st!tload by these factors:

1. All IDE ports in use(both master and slave)
2. All PCI slots are in use(cept 1)with, USB,NIC,Sound,SCSI
4. Tons of USB peripherals hooked up(scanner,printer,2 game controllers,mouse,keyboard,flashcard input,digital camera)

With all of the above hooked up, I am actually killing my score somewhat. If I wanted the highest score possible, I would dump all the USB ports, use PS2 mouse/keyboard,get rid of the DVD,CDRW,Superdisk, anmd run just a CDROM. As all items are taxing the system and take up resources, the more peripherals your computer has, the slower it becomes. People who want pure gaming performance and benchmark scores wouldnt have any of this extra stuff on their gaming rig, just a cpu,mb,video card, sound card,cdrom,keyboard,mouse,modem/nic,and game controller, thats it. Think of your computer like a tow truck, the more **** it drags with it, the slower it goes.

And BTW if you look closer at my above comments you will see how i mentioned XP as the default op system. People should only be using this or 2k now anyway as microsoft is finally phasing out 95/98.

Sounds like one impressive rig!!! (Does 3 ram stick slow things down? 3x256.. I have got XP pro though) Anyways sorry by regaining my ability to think (i lost it back there!) I can clearly see that i was wrong and you seem to have a vast knowledge of the ATi/Nvidia debate! I'm sorry for acting a jerk and hopefully we can get along in a civilised mannor!!!
Why don't u try unplugging some of your pheriphals and see if you could hit 9K without an oc! That would be awesome....
Nick: I actually dont consider anyone to be a jerk here in this BB. I just get a kick out of it when somebody sometimes "inserts a foot" in the ol mouth. Im sure we have all done it, even me!:eek: I just love ragging on people when I know the "exxagerations" start to pour! Dont take it personally! Just ask FUNNYPERSON,ANGRY and a few others about me. Im sure they will tell you how much of a wiseass I am.:D

BTW 3 sticks of RAM wont hurt on XP at all. I got 4x256 myself. no probs.
Well, I don't have proof handy (I'm at work) but my non-OC's XP 1800 with non-OC'd GF3 Ti500 clocked in at something around 8K. I'll check it out tonight and see. I had the GF3 overclocked but I had to drop it back down because I was getting some of those NV4_DISP errors. If I run my 1800 at 1900 (12.0 x 133) is that stock enough since the XP 1900 is at 12x133? Also, I noticed your stats were showing 16 bit texture depth and 16 bit Z buffer, but when I run the default on the GF3 it uses (I think) 32 bit textures and (I know) 24 bit Z-buffer. Wouldn't that contribute to the higher speeds also?
16 bit textures actually decrease score from compressed textures, and i have to run it this way because the Radeon doesnt seem to like compressed textures on my rig. Running 16 bit z over 24 bit z on reduces scores by a margin at best, but in no way makes up for running 16 bit textures over compressed. Stock btw means all componenets run at stck speeds, no overclocking at all on both the card,cpu,mb,ram etc.
I honestly am scared to see what this card can do overclocked, and I think so is nVidia...

Rivastation put up a decent review. It had some pretty good screenshots to show the different levels of the Radeons Smoothvision compared to the Ti500's Quincux. The Radeons lowest level looked better than the Ti's highest.

The only downfall that I can see to this card is the lack of DX7 support. This card gets whooped by the GF3 when it comes to games like Giants. But then again, its old games on new technology. The scores that they showed on 3DMark2001 where right on line with what R&B has been showing us. And the were ahead of the Ti500. The 8500 was also keeping up with Ti500 in QuakeIII also with the new drivers, and passing it in the higher resolutions. And it did this while looking better which is impressive.

All this and $100 cheaper. Can't beat that with a stick.
I went home and tested it - and at stock speeds on all componets I got 7828. When I switched it to 16 bit textures and 16 bit Z-buffer it was a wash - score of 7825 or some such - pretty much what you expected. At 12x133 (1900+) it was 7950 or so. Have the newest Radeon drivers cleared up the problems folks were having with the card not running some games and stuff? I don't remember any specific examples but I know there were some complaints. I definately like the AA better on the Radeon, much better texture quality.
I still won't buy an ATI. It's a great price for a card with the abilities it has, but I used to be in both the ATI and Matrox corners and look what they've done before. The bonus with nVidia is options. They make the chip and it's up to the individual card makers to compete. LeadTek and VisionTek seem similar, but LeadTek makes better software. With ATI, what happens if you don't like their software. OCZ also makes a Ti500 that is above spec. Many possibilities is what I like. ATI reminds me of Intel in that you like some of what they do, but you're stuck with the rest of it. If anything, nVidia reminds me of AMD; they both make the chips and leave it up to the other guys to make the boards.

I believe like most do that the reason you guys want ATI so much is the way nVidia handled 3DFX. Deal with it!
Followed the interesting debate here guys:) and wanted an opinion on something *less* than cutting edge. It seems to me that ATI have finally started to get it together with the 8500, but am looking for something closer to one step down (Geforce 2/7500) - I don't want to pay the latest technology premium.

I'm running a tbird [email protected] and geforce 256 DDR asus v6800 @ 130/330. Get about 2800 on 3DMark2001. I gather that the 7500 is not worth it and I should go for the Geforce2 in the (generation-1) stakes.

Any suggestions?