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Leme tell you a little story about ultracoin!

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Was unable to get it to run. I think it's the pool I chose. I keep getting a pool address error or something. I'll try again tomorrow after work. Here is the suggested .bat from utcpool.com

ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp://jack.utcpool.com:3333 -u user.1 -p x --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 --thread-concurrency 8192 -g 2 -I 13 -w 256 --temp-cutoff 90 --temp-overheat 85 --gpu-powertune 20 --gpu-threads 2*--gpu-fan 100*--queue 0
This is what I have for my 7870s.

cgminer.exe" -o stratum+tcp://ultra.nitro.org:3337 -u username.workername -p password --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 --thread-concurrency 8192 -g 2 -I 12 -w 256 -Q 0 -E 10 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-powertune 20
Hmm it's either the url or the miner than utcpool links to. Ultracoin-miner. It starts cgminer 3.7.2 but seems like a different flavor from the vanilla CGM 3.7.2.
SF, please update OP to include some of this useful info
Still a no-go after re-downloading ultracoinminer.exe from the ultra.nitro.org pool. I've tried running this .bat
del *.bin
ultracoinminer -o stratum+tcp://ultra.nitro.org:3337 -u Blaylock.1 -p 1 --scrypt-jane --sj-nfmin 4 --sj-nfmax 30 --sj-time 1388361600 -w 256 -s 1 -E 10 -I 19 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 8192 --auto-fan --queue 0 --temp-target 70 --temp-overheat 80 --gpu-fan 75-95
through cmd prompt
View attachment 139785
and throough CGWatcher.
View attachment 139786

Please help.
Would someone consider downloading the UTC windows miner zip file and uploading it here? I can't get either download link to work.
UTC hasn't been that profitable for me... I'm doing 650khash (7950's and 270X) according to the pool and so far I've only made 100 UTC in a day and half... and current UTC prices of 0.0004 doesn't help...
I must be doing something wrong, I'm struggling to get my 290Xs both over 400kh/s with SJ, when looking on the BCT forums people are getting 700+

I've tried multiple configurations that have been posted, most hit around the mid 300s and with some tweaking I can get to 400. My 7950 gets around 250.

My config:

"device" : "1,2",
"api-listen" : true,
"intensity" : "18",
"vectors" : "1",
"worksize" : "512",
"kernel" : "scrypt-jane",
"failover-only" : true,
"temp-cutoff" : "95",
"temp-overheat" : "80",
"temp-target" : "75",
"expiry" : "30",
"log" : "5",
"queue" : "1",
"retry-pause" : "5",
"scan-time" : "60",
"scrypt-jane" : true,
"sj-nfmin" : "4",
"sj-nfmax" : "30",
"sj-time" : "1388361600",
"temp-hysteresis" : "3",
"shaders" : "2816",
"thread-concurrency" : "32765",
"gpu-powertune" : "20",
"gpu-thread" : "1",
"sharethreads" : "32",
"lookup-gap" : "2",
"gpu-engine" : "940",
"gpu-memclock" : "1400"
My 290 is only doing 350khash with intensity 20... and it lags the hell out of my desktop
Have either of you tried I 13? I lose hash rates when my intensity is too high for the system. Nothing to do with TC/ram, it just hates over I 13.

'bout to pop my 240 over to UTC. Just about done tuning YACoin.
Have either of you tried I 13? I lose hash rates when my intensity is too high for the system. Nothing to do with TC/ram, it just hates over I 13.

'bout to pop my 240 over to UTC. Just about done tuning YACoin.

My 270X does 150 on I 13 and 192 on I 20

Haven't tested the 290 since I just keep it doing maxcoin as it doesn't lag my Pc while giving 430Mhash
Also try playing with lookup gaps/threads if you haven't already. You'll probably want to drop the TC way low when you change the gap just to make sure you don't overdo it. GPUz sensors are your friend. :thup:
Well, with 4 7870s, 2 7970s, and 1 280X that has been running since about 6am, I'm looking at .052 BTC in 24 hours mining UTC.

Edit: about 15 minutes more, and I got up to .055 BTC.

UTC is currently trading at about .00044 BTC
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