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The Benching Team needs your help! (Post here if participating)

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I just put up a submission for the SDRAM category a little bit ago.

Unfortunately you'll have to settle for stock clocks for now since I don't have any boards on hand that take SDRAM AND can overclock. :(

At least it's something though and puts us on the board and in third place for 16 points.
The Core2/ucbench contest is over. We managed to get 5th place. Good work to all that helped out!

Stage 1: 1st Place IMOG 472
Stage 2: 12th Place drshivas 246
Stage 3: 9th Place Tech Tweaker 418
Stage 4: 4th Place SF101 575 pts
Stage 5: 5th Place SF101 908 Pts
Stage 6: 10th Place Nooster 453 Pts
Stage 7: 8th Place Wagex 821.5 Pts

We now are concentrating on the memory benching contest and IGP/3d06 benching. These may be the toughest contests for the benching team to get results in every class. We will need your help!

The IGP contest is the next to finish, so make sure to bench it if you have it.

ended up 5th not 8th silly willie still that is crazy crap i had the highest frequency of all them chips and somehow they all smoked me hard

Anything beats nothing!
If nobody can cough up a geforce IGP I'll be running my parents atom system :p

my server has a geforce 7100 igp its on the p5nem-hdmi if that could help?
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Sorry I will get that fixed. Any submission helps if we dont have one already.
I killed my geforce2 card. I had vmodded and was probing around with my volt meter and slipped off my measuring point. I don't think i had saved a screenshot. It wasnt a real good clocker anyways, so no big loss. I only spent $4 on it. I will get another.
I've hit a wall on DDR at 325MHz.

Can't get it stable. I'm at 3.1V with 3-5-5-12 timings and it only ran long enough to get the screen shot and submit. Amazingly the system crashed literally right after I submitted it to the bot, at least I got the submission in though.

Not sure if I'm motherboard or RAM limited, will try other sticks, or perhaps just running a single stick because it might not like running in dual-channel at that high of a frequency.

I just know it's not a heat issue with the memory though, because it's barely warm to the touch.

I killed my geforce2 card. I had vmodded and was probing around with my volt meter and slipped off my measuring point. I don't think i had saved a screenshot. It wasnt a real good clocker anyways, so no big loss. I only spent $4 on it. I will get another.

Ouch, sorry to hear that.
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I have a card for every generation up to7900 now, so I will try to at least get a score in for every category. I do not promise that they will be good, but i will see what I can do. I guess it will be a bit of an inter team duel. Either way the team wins!
4coredual sata2. I don't know that i have the best CPU though. I have my eye out for a better one but i dont want to spend much money, so i will likely do the best that i can, with what i have.
4coredual sata2. I don't know that i have the best CPU though. I have my eye out for a better one but i dont want to spend much money, so i will likely do the best that i can, with what i have.

I have an E6300 that runs over 490FSB, it sitting her because I killed the motherboard in a water leak. I'm willing to loan it to you if you want.
I have an E6300 that runs over 490FSB, it sitting her because I killed the motherboard in a water leak. I'm willing to loan it to you if you want.

Thanks for the offer. I actually have a fairly good cpu. The problem is that these boards wont do 400 fsb, even with mods. There isn't even any vcore adj. unless you mod it. It seems that top agp scores use an unlocked cpu's or high multi.
I've hit a wall on DDR at 325MHz.

Can't get it stable. I'm at 3.1V with 3-5-5-12 timings and it only ran long enough to get the screen shot and submit. Amazingly the system crashed literally right after I submitted it to the bot, at least I got the submission in though.

Not sure if I'm motherboard or RAM limited, will try other sticks, or perhaps just running a single stick because it might not like running in dual-channel at that high of a frequency.

I just know it's not a heat issue with the memory though, because it's barely warm to the touch.

Try a single stick for sure.

Found the problem, I needed MOAR VOLTS!! to keep it stable. Strangely though, that voltage wasn't needed by what I was expecting, and I felt like an idiot when I figured it out. Here I'd been feeding all this voltage to the memory and it didn't even need it, ended up backing it down after I found what needed the voltage and the memory was still stable.

Also, I am now running a single stick.

Just hit 335 and took back the lead. DDR670, this is madness! Had no idea mine could run that fast. OS loads super fast at DDR670 too, it was literally about three seconds between the Welcome screen coming up and being in a fully-loaded OS.

I've beaten the heck out of my old score of DDR625, and whatever the team's old record was. Never thought I'd surpass that. :D
That's a really good clock out of DDR, I have a few stocks but I don't think they will beat that, what sticks are to using ?

Edit :apologies for spelling , using my mobile :-/
Good Job!
Looks like its worth some hardware points too.

That's a really good clock out of DDR, I have a few sticks but I don't think they will beat that, what sticks are you using?

Edit :apologies for spelling , using my mobile :-/

Thanks mates. :)

I'm currently using Corsair XL's with Samsung TCCD chips.

I have a few different flavors on hand I haven't tried yet though. Also got some XLPro's, some Patriot XBLK TCCD sticks, and some OCZ TCCD sticks.

Can you tell I like TCCD chips? :D
Just grabbed first in SDRAM:http://hwbot.org/submission/2300887 I'm sure I have faster sticks it's just a matter of my PCI bus crapping out first. BTW that put's us off first by 5 points for now. I doubt my run will stand for long. The guy's over @ CP alone will be gunning for me.

I have a bunch of EDO and RD ram too just need working processors.
Added RDRAM unfortunately @ stock clocks as I had to use a old Dell mobo I salvaged out of the garage. We are now first in Memory Clock.