Penryns are beginning to show up at XtremeSystems Forums. Here’s what one person is getting with an air-cooled quad.
These are pretty impressive results: almost 4.4GHz with 1.36V, almost 4.7GHz with 1.488V.
Odds are the lower-end production units won’t do quite as well, but 4GHz would seem to be almost a gimme with little muss or fuss.
I would be happy to relay what folks are doing with K10s, but there aren’t any, yet. That may change in a few days, and if it does, you’ll hear about it in this thread.
The initial K10s tested won’t crank up very much, of course, and the initial comparisons will be really ugly for Green.
They’ll get less ugly early next year, but it’s tough to see, no matter how many steppings AMD tries, how a K10 at 65nm is going to do any better than a K8 at 65nm.
For overclockers, if the matchup four or five months from now is a K10 quad running at 3.2GHz with little muss or fuss versus a Penryn quad running at 4.2GHz with the same, the winner is a foregone conclusion.
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