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OC Folding Contest

What’s This? The O/C Forums Folding Team wants to encourage more people to join us, so we got together, chipped in, and decided to have this contest. What’s Folding? You can read about folding join our folding team What’s the

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Turning Up The Heat

We’ve already talked about attempts to legalize vigilantism on P2P networks. However, that’s not all RIAA is up to. They are also taking actions which are likely to have a more immediate impact and could make it a lot more

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Watercool A Laptop??

I received this email from Ashar: I’ve been reading the articles on for some time now and it’s given me some great tips on how to keep systems cool. However I’m rather curious to find out how to mod

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Built-In Spam Filters

Your responses to what you thought about that little quarrel the other day are very interesting. It’s almost like watching spam filters operate. The information goes in, and then it’s subject to a number of rules. If it breaks one

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Dirty Laundry

RIAA is trying to get some legislation through that would let them play vigilante on P2P networks. When we first heard of this, even we thought it was a stupid legislative idea. Even dumber, though, was launching a DOS attack

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C1 Chips

The reviews up so far on the 2.8GHz PIV seem to indicate that one can achieve roughly 3.2GHz without too much effort. Before We Go Any Further There will be very little difference between the relative performances of the C1