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Another Dual Core Bottleneck

AMD did some press stuff about its dual-core processors and mentioned a few new tidbits. It announced that the dual-cores, as Infoworld put it, “won’t be targeted at the high end of the market.” While new, this is not too

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Dell and AMD

Dell is going to stick with Intel. It’s important to understand why, not the reasons of the day why, but the deep underlying reasons why. The one sentence explanation is: Dell is not geeky. The slightly longer explanation is: Dell

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Not THAT Advanced!

A few days ago, someone wrote us to tell us that they went to an article of ours using Firefox, and was greeted with this: â„¼ä½„å‘ƒå ™â…å‘ˆä±å€ ä‰•ä¥Œâƒâ´¢â¼¯ã—â½ƒä¯ä‘”ä äµ”âŒâ¸´â€°ç‰”æ¹¡æ¥³æ¥´æ¹¯æ±¡â¼¯ä¹…ã¸¢à¨à¨æ ¼æµ´ã¹¬à¨æ ¼æ…¥ã¹¤à¨ã°‰æ¥´æ±´ã¹¥æ•„æ±¬ä° ç‘¡ç‘ ©æ‘µâ¥ ã ™ƒã€´ä´ æ‘¯â¼¼æ¥´æ±´ã¹¥à¨à¨çŒ¼ç¥´æ•¬ç ç¹ãµ¥ç¢ç¡¥â½´ç£ ≳ാ㰊ⴡഭऊ㠩¡æ½¨æ•¶â²â»æ½£æ½¬ã ©²âŒ

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Eurocom 8500P

Here is my home made review of this (not so) portable computer. I got this laptop for free when I was working in IT for a big airline company here in Canada. They were about to change all the laptops

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Intel and AMD Moves

Intel: Prescott Reloaded Intel will be releasing what is essentially Prescott 2.0, with all the tweaks and easy add-ons Intel has been able to add to the product. You can see the numbers here and next week The 600-series is

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Need To Buy A Dude A Dell?

. . . or HP (they’re now “giving away” LCD monitors, too, so they’re price-competitive with Dell) or whatever, because a Joe Sixpack in your life wants a new machine shortly, and you don’t want to be bothered with building