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MSI 6309

UPDATE 4/21/00: One of the issues with this board is its inability to easily recover from an overly aggressive FSB setting; most boards allow you to hold down the INSERT key and will boot up at a default setting –

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Celeron FCPGA 533 MHz

SUMMARY: Overclocking Nostalgia March 2000: Remember the good old C300A? Did 450 out of the box. Overclocking Nostalgia March 2002: Remember the good old FCPGA C 533? Did 800 out of the box. And that about says it. By sheer

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Adventures in SCSI Land

Many thanks to Hyper Microsystems for allowing us to test these products. My setup: CASE: I have an EAGLE tooless case, with TWO 80MM INTAKE FANS at the bottom, TWO 80MM EXHAUST FANS at the top. POWER SUPPLY: 450 WATT

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Saving Slotkets

Some precautions from someone who has been there! “I think I should point something out that could cause a lot of people to end up with fried motherboards when drilling their slotkets. I am currently using an old Abit slotket

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Saving Slotket

Some precautions from someone who has been there! “I think I should point something out that could cause a lot of people to end up with fried motherboards when drilling their slotkets. I am currently using an old Abit slotket

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SUMMARY: This is Abit’s successor (?) to the VA6 – it is basically the same board but updated with the 133A drivers which features AGP 4x. Like many VIA motherboards, the ABIT’s memory performance suffers in comparison to BX boards.

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Intel Coppermine S-Specs

We get a lot of emails asking which chip is best to buy for overclocking. In general, 100 MHz CPUs are easier to overclock than 133 MHz parts, as the lower bus speed allows you to use 133 MHz; if

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Global Win FLK32

Why do we need this? This is going to be a little different fan/heatsink review. I read the computer hardware newsgroups a lot. Very often, I see somebody get so far with a processor, then say something like, “all I